God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1269 The belly is rounder than a ball

Chapter 1269 The belly is rounder than a ball
Like a king standing between heaven and earth, Xia Zishang's unstoppable aura is unstoppable, and her phoenix eyes seem to contain the starry sky and the Milky Way, so bright that people fall into it at a glance, and can no longer extricate themselves.

Everyone was stunned by Xia Zishang's strength. At this moment, the tomb was silent, and everyone looked at Xia Zishang, who was surrounded by spiritual light, with a look of horror.

Xia Zishang's heart that was hanging in her throat was finally let go at this moment.

The blood on his face seemed to be taken away in an instant. Xia Zishang broke through the formation with his own strength, and consumed too much spiritual power. While relaxing, he couldn't help but staggered.

Xuanyuan Yelan rushed over anxiously, reaching out her hands to stabilize Xia Zishang's shoulders.

At first, he tried to hold on, but Xia Zishang immediately felt Xuanyuan Yelan's body temperature, and heard his deep voice ringing in his ears.

"Take a good rest, everything is by me."

"Yeah." Xia Zishang swallowed the elixir that he was holding on to, and began to rest in peace.

Xuanyuan Yelan hurriedly took Xia Zishang to a corner and sat down, so that she could rest her head on his shoulder and sleep more comfortably.

Obviously she only cared about her companion's movements, but Yinxue didn't know why, she always felt a little weird seeing the intimate movements between these two men...

But I can't tell what's strange, Yinxue saw that the wet corpses were finally wiped out, she didn't care about so many, she finally let go of her heart hanging in her throat, and followed the people around her, slumped on the ground to rest with weak legs.

"I think we should rest here for a while, Mr. Xia Ye has consumed too much, and we have to adjust our state." Leng Yue took the initiative to stand up and said.

Everyone was tired, and after hearing this, there was no objection, and they all found a suitable place to rest.

Qing Mo's small face was full of worry, and he asked anxiously, "Is the boss okay?"

"Don't worry, junior brother is just too tired. The Tianhuang fire crane array is powerful, and the only downside is that it will consume too much energy for the formation. Now that junior brother has taken the elixir, he just needs to take a good rest and he will be able to recover." It's okay." Amo said quickly.

Xuanyuan Yelan kept looking at Xia Zishang's peaceful sleeping face, and never shifted her gaze for a moment.

About a quarter of an hour later, Xia Zishang's complexion finally improved.

Xuanyuan Yelan couldn't bear to quarrel with her, and just wanted her to rest for a while.


Xuanyuan Yelan turned his attention to his son only after Qingmo's belly heard a cry of hunger.

Looking at Qing Mo's little face flushed with embarrassment, Xuanyuan Yelan's lips could not help but curl up slightly, "Are you hungry?"

Qing Mo never lied, and nodded obediently after hearing the words, "A little bit."

"I'm hungry too." Amo sat slumped on the ground, stretched out his little hoof with a resentful expression, and touched his suffocated belly, "When I got into the water just now, I spent too much effort to resist the hidden dangers in the pool. The corpse poison, my stomach is already growling with hunger. Qingmo, come and see, is the uncle's stomach hungry?"

The king glanced at Amo in disdain, "With your physique, your stomach is rounder than a ball, so small?"

"You know what? I am the standard figure of our pig world!" Amo hummed twice unconvinced, and bumped his head against Qingmo's shoulder, "Qingmo, do you think I am fat, uncle?"

(End of this chapter)

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