Chapter 1278

"The way of heaven and earth, come first, break it for me!" The spiritual power in the old man Gu Mu's body burst out at this moment, his sinister old eyes were full of flying confidence, and he gave a very loud cold drink .

But before the spiritual power of the old man Lone Wood could arouse the power in the blood talisman, the evil spirit swept over like overwhelming the sky, and with a whoosh, the old man's chest was severely injured, causing him to vomit blood and fall heavily to the ground !

Afterwards, a mass of resentful spirits suddenly emerged from the stone sculptures of livestock kneeling all around, and the black and dense spirit bodies merged into one, like a storm, and all fell on the old man's body!
Before Xia Zishang could stop it in time, she saw a strong light glowing from the frail body of the lonely old man. The flesh and blood at the place where the broken arm was originally broken suddenly gave birth to an arm made of sarcoma, and she was sent flying with a flick of her hand.

With a loud noise, Xia Zishang's figure flew out, and her back hit the black crystal heavily.

Suddenly, a piercing pain made Xia Zishang's throat feel sweet, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily overflowed with a dazzling bright red.

"Amo, take good care of Qingmo." Xuanyuan Yelan was always paying attention to the movements on Xia Zishang's side. Suddenly seeing this scene, he ran anxiously from where he was, to the direction where Xia Zishang was.

Qing Mo glanced at the position of his mother from a distance, his heart raised his voice with worry, and he couldn't wait to catch up.

"Hey, don't follow the past to join in the fun." Amo hurriedly grabbed Qingmo, "We'll just wait here, don't worry, the younger brother is very powerful, and nothing will happen."

While Amo was speaking, a few mouse skins suddenly floated in the air and enveloped them in their direction, as if they wanted to entangle the three of them!
"Counsel, come and protect Qingmo!" Amo's heart moved, and the surface of the pig's hoof was as hard as fine iron, and quickly pierced through the flying mouse skins.

Qing Mo didn't dare to be careless, he manipulated the yin qi he could mobilize around him, constructed ice blades at the fastest speed, and fought against the constantly flying animal skins around him.

Qing Mo's movements are a bit difficult, but at such a young age, he can still keep calm and fight against the animal skin at such a flustered moment. This kind of heart and strength is really rare.

Leng Yue looked at Qing Mo's movements from afar, and her eyes couldn't help showing surprise, "How could this kid be so powerful at such a young age?"

Because Leng Yue was too surprised, she forgot for a moment that she was also besieged on all sides.

"Miss, get out of the way!" At this moment, Chu Chao's exclamation sounded behind Leng Yue.

Only then did she suddenly come to her senses, and from the corner of her eye, Leng Yue saw a black shadow coming towards her, but she was powerless to resist, and could only watch helplessly as a black cat's animal skin rushed towards her face, covering her face. on her face!

"Woooo...!" The front door was covered, Leng Yue's frightened cry was covered under the animal skin, and her consciousness faded away.

Amo is not good at dealing with these things in front of him. Seeing Qing Mo's tired forehead seeping a layer of sweat, he quickly kicked the king angrily, "Didn't you hear me asking you to help?! If Qing Mo Something happened, be careful that the younger brother is back, you can't eat and walk around."

How can Amo not be angry, the king is a ghost, the animal skin will not attack it actively, if it protects Qingmo, they can save a lot of effort.

(End of this chapter)

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