God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1284 Why is this breath so familiar?

Chapter 1284 Why is this breath so familiar?

The originally relaxed heartstrings tensed instantly, and everyone looked vigilantly at the source of the voice.

Looking forward from the angle where Xia Zishang and the others were standing, they could only see a piece of darkness, but the sound just now was very similar to someone opening another door of the secret room, followed by the sound of light footsteps, as if a ghost slowed down. Slowly approaching them from the darkness, causing everyone to be silent, and carefully lowered the sound of his breathing.

Feeling the breath slowly approaching them from the darkness, Xia Zishang frowned.

Why is this breath so familiar?

The visitor seemed to be wary of them, Xia Zishang tentatively said, "Yusheng, Gong Wuxie?"

The person in the dark was stunned for a moment, and then shouted unexpectedly and pleasantly, "Master Xia!"

Yusheng's clear and joyful voice sounded, and immediately after that he lit the fire folder.

Against the backdrop of the fire, Yusheng's handsome smiling face looked extraordinarily brilliant.

The moment he saw Yusheng, Xuanyuan Yelan frowned.

And when Xuanyuan Yelan saw Gong Wuxie behind Yusheng again, his eyes were as cold as frost, and even the aura around him instantly turned to freezing point.

He finally thought that he had avoided these two people, but he didn't expect them to reappear so soon.

When Gong Wuxie saw Xia Zishang, her eyes of different colors lit up, and she nodded as a greeting.

Yusheng and Gong Wuxie were not the only ones who came, there were six or seven people behind them, plus the seven people from Xia Zishang's side, a total of 15 people, almost all the contestants in the sixth level were gathered.

"Why are you here?" Gong Wuxie looked at Xia Zishang calmly and asked.

"I just broke through a tomb, and accidentally found this secret room in the tomb." Xia Zishang told the truth.

"So do we." Gong Wuxie just finished speaking, and the people behind him breathed a sigh of relief.

"I was scared to death. I thought I was going to meet some strange monsters again. Now it seems that this place is just an ordinary treasure room, and there is no danger. Second and third, let's go, let's go and search for some treasures." Gong Wu Behind Xie, a rough-looking man turned his head and gave instructions to the two younger brothers behind him, then impatiently went to the secret room to find the treasure.

After the rough-looking man finished speaking, the rest of the contestants hurried to find their treasures.

Xia Zishang was not idle either, and first stuffed all the treasures that could be moved into the space storage, and then started talking with Gong Wuxie.

Xia Zishang learned from the mouths of the two that the tomb of the national teacher is like a huge maze. As the king said before, although they entered the tomb through the same entrance as Xia Zishang and the others, the tombs they encountered were different. Unlike Xia Zishang and the others, being able to meet here was purely accidental.

"According to my past experience, we are still some distance away from the main tomb, but it shouldn't be very far." Gong Wuxie said firmly, as if she knew everything about this place.

"I heard from Axia that you have been to the Nine Layers Exquisite Pagoda before, I don't know which floor you broke into at that time." Xuanyuan Yelan looked at Gong Wuxie tentatively, his eyes as calm as water.

Hearing Xuanyuan Yelan's affectionate address to Xia Zishang, Gong Wuxie pursed her lips and looked at Xuanyuan Yelan first.

"The sixth floor. Although the other checkpoints are different from last time, the checkpoint on the sixth floor has always been to find the tomb of the national teacher. It's just that I failed to pass the sixth checkpoint last time." Gong Wuxie As if recalling what happened at that time, the streamer in his eyes turned, and he said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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