God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1289: An Ancient Key

Chapter 1289 An Ancient Key
The smallpox in the tomb passage, which could only be seen by looking up, appeared in front of her eyes. Xia Zishang fell rapidly with her back down. She clearly heard the fall, and a gust of wind rang in her ears. He took out the streamer silver hairpin in his sleeve and inserted it into the smooth wall beside him!

"Be careful!" Someone above the trap suddenly exclaimed, and everyone who had been walking well suddenly became a mess.

Xia Zishang didn't care about that much, her palms broke out in a layer of cold sweat, and she tried her best to stop her body steadily by leaning on the silver hairpin pierced into the wall before falling into the water.

The corners of the robe fell into the deep water in the trap, and Xia Zishang was only a little short of falling into the water and being pierced by the hidden sharp knife in the water!

"Axia! How are you?" Xuanyuan Yelan's anxious inquiry, as well as Qingmo's and Amo's calls came from above.

"I'm fine." Xia Zishang responded hastily, then turned her head to look at the golden light hidden in the water.

At this moment, Xia Zishang was very close to the stagnant water, and finally found that the golden light that caught her attention just now was emanating from the stagnant water. There were densely packed thin blades hidden in the stagnant water, and one of them was pierced by the blade to become a hornet's nest The rotting corpse left only the bones. At this moment, those dark eyes were staring at Xia Zishang, as if they were telling what kind of despair he had experienced before he died.

A simple and simple key was hung around the neck of the corpse. This key gave Xia Zishang a very mysterious feeling at a glance.

The whole body of the key is golden, and it looks nothing special, but it has been soaked in water for many years, but it still exudes bursts of extravagant golden light, and the owner of the dead body seems to be treating rare treasures. Shidu is still holding on tightly to the key around his neck.

Xia Zishang's mind moved, and she reached out and took the key from the neck of the corpse.

At this time, the rope had been lowered above the cave.

Xia Zishang stuffed the key into his bosom casually, then reached out and grabbed the rope.

Following the rope, Xia Zishang rushed out of the trap extremely quickly.

Gong Wuxie and Yusheng saw Xia Zishang's beautiful figure jumping out of the trap, their hearts tightened, and they subconsciously stretched out their hands to hold her.

However, Xia Zishang's jade hand stretched out, avoided the two of them, and held Xuanyuan Yelan's hand with a smile.

Xuanyuan Yelan's originally tense heartstrings finally relaxed the moment he touched Xia Zishang, he treated her like a rare treasure, ignoring everyone's attention, he held Xia Zishang tightly, and put his arm around her The slender waist took two steps back quickly, and said in shock, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, there is no danger." Xia Zishang smiled slightly. The burning smile in her phoenix eyes could make Baihua lose color, and made many people present look obsessed. It is heart-wrenching at a glance.

Xia Zishang turned her gaze and landed on the handsome man not far away.

Stormy waves appeared in the phoenix eyes, Xia Zishang stared at the man, and asked coldly, "What do you mean?"

As soon as Xia Zishang said this, everyone present looked at the man secretly and coldly.

"Master Fenglan, what on earth do you want to do? You were the one standing behind Mr. Xia just now. There will be no one else pushing him except you." Yusheng's handsome face rarely showed a smile, and his expression was as indifferent as The millennium ice seemed to be able to shoot through the man in front of him, looking at the man and asking.

(End of this chapter)

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