God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1296 This one wave operation

Chapter 1296
How could the half-corpse king not be angry, thinking how majestic it was, but being bullied by a piggy riding on its head!

Amo didn't dare to knock against the half-corpse king. He twisted his buttocks in fright, and jumped up from the ground. The little pink figure rushed out like a monkey.

"Slightly slightly, I can't catch it~" Amo looked at the half-corpse king arrogantly, provoking him with his tongue while running.

The half-corpse king was extremely angry, and as it jumped, the figure rose up in the air, and suddenly rushed towards Amo.

Seeing this scene, Amo, who was still complacent, screamed in fright, "How can you fly? You are cheating... Awow! Brother, help me!"

Amo was immediately caught by the half-corpse king and made a miserable pig cry.

"Senior brother!" Xia Zishang was shocked, seeing the half-corpse king opened his mouth and bit Amo.

No one realized what happened. Everyone present saw that after the half-corpse king gnawed on Amo, not only failed to suck up Amo's blood, but its fangs glowing with coldness were caught by the blood. It fell down.

Until the fangs fell to the ground, the half-corpse king still hadn't realized what happened.

"Look at my pig's trotter fist!" Amo remembered that he was invulnerable, and immediately aimed at the face of the half-corpse king and slapped him with a pig's trotter.

After the fight, he ran away, and Amo was so fast that he was almost wild. He rushed back to Xia Zishang's side, and then panted heavily.

Everyone watched Amo's coquettish operation the whole time, and they were all in admiration.

There was a pig's hoof print on the half corpse king's face, and he roared angrily, and his figure suddenly soared into the air like a roc spreading its wings, and his stiff shoulders pierced into the heart of the person closest to it.

"No, help!" The man just screamed, and then the half-corpse king pulled out his heart and sucked out the blood.

The smell of blood was disgusting, and no one dared to be careless.

Amo was able to play around with the half-corpse king just now. It can only be said that it was lucky. Now the half-corpse king is furious, but it is not so easy to deal with!

"He's here again." Yu Sheng said quickly with a condensed expression.

The half-corpse king casually threw the blood-drained mummy aside, opened his bloody mouth brutally, and rushed towards Xia Zishang and the others again.

"The half-corpse king has cultivated an indestructible body of diamond. Ordinary attacks have no effect on it. We can't fight it head-on." Xia Zishang mountain god escaped the attack of the half-corpse king. The blood was heavy on the back of the Half Corpse King's neck.

If it was an ordinary zombie, Xia Zishang's finger would have already pierced his throat.

But the half-corpse king is an indestructible body, the surface of the skin glowed for a while, and then he flicked Xia Zishang's fingers away abruptly.

He turned back and threw himself at Xia Zishang. The half-corpse king was extremely powerful, and his speed was as fast as a wild beast.

Xia Zishang staggered to avoid the bear hug of the half-corpse king, and retreated all the way to the stone pillar not far away.

There was a roar from the half-corpse king's throat. Its arms spread out to the sides, and then aimed at Xia Zishang's head. The arms were retracted, and the sharp nails were like sharp knives, enough to cut her head in half. !
Quickly took out a small bag from the armband, Xia Zishang aimed at the face of the half-corpse king, and sprinkled all the glutinous rice in the bag on the face of the half-corpse king.

(End of this chapter)

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