God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1298 Seven-Star Universe Formation

Chapter 1298 Seven Star Universe Formation

Xia Zishang smiled when she heard the words, and held Xuanyuan Yelan's hand tightly, making him stand where the big dipper star, Tanlang star, was located.

The Seven Stars of the Big Dipper are divided into Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang seven stars, headed by Tianshu where Xuanyuan Yelan stands, supplemented by Tianxuan Jumen star occupied by Xia Zishang, The remaining five stars form a whole, forming the seven-star universe array.

At the end of the seven stars is Yaoguang Pojun star, which is guarded by Gong Wuxie, Kaiyang Wuqu star is guarded by Yusheng, and Yinxue, Leng Yue and Di Fenglan are left to guard the other three stars.

Xuanyuan Yelan was the eye of the formation, and his own strong yang energy was his weapon, while Xia Zishang took out the soul-suppressing bell, yin-yang money, yang animal bone and eight trigrams plate as magic weapons.

Taking a deep breath, with Xia Zishang as the leader, the six people bit their fingertips at the same time to take blood, and said in unison, "The Big Dipper is at the front, the four sides are away from the Yin fire, cutting the plague road, breaking the gate of ghosts, crossing death and turning into ten thousand!" Life, Tianhaodilingzhen Qiankun!"

The six shouted in unison, the spiritual power in their bodies poured out like a tide, and they raised their hands to draw the pattern of the Big Dipper in the void.

Immediately, a large piece of spiritual light condensed under the feet of the seven people, and a yang flame formed by condensing yang energy emerged from Xuanyuan Yelan's body. The flame flew out and went straight to Xia Zishang. A golden thread crossed Xia Zishang and headed towards Yinxue behind her, connecting the light spots where the two were.

Every time Yanghuo advances by one point, it needs to consume a lot of spiritual power in Xia Zishang's six people.

All six breathed a sigh of relief, and as the Yanghuo advanced, their bodies released dots of starlight as bright as the Milky Way.

Seeing Yang Huo passing by Leng Yue's side, heading towards Di Fenglan.

I thought it was safe, but what everyone didn't expect was that when Yang Huo passed by Di Fenglan, Di Fenglan's body suddenly trembled like a convulsion, and then his body froze, and he vomited a big mouthful of blood !

Eyes widened in disbelief, Di Fenglan also did not expect such an accident to happen suddenly.

When everyone was astonished, a misty sneer sounded from Di Fenglan's body, and then the starlight under his feet burst out, and he was shot flying out in an instant!
"Pfft!" Flying directly from the formation and hitting the ground, Di Fenglan spurted a big mouthful of blood from his throat, and even the magic weapon in his hand was broken into two halves!

The moment Di Fenglan was bounced away, she lost her one-person power formation, and the light she released became dimmed, and a large area of ​​starlight flying around her also disappeared.

Suddenly such a commotion broke out, and a powerful backlash erupted from the formation, roaring towards the direction of everyone like a wave of air, making everyone's eyes go black.

"No, the formation is about to collapse!" Yu Sheng, who was standing behind Di Fenglan, was startled and shouted loudly.

Originally, the formation had already suppressed most of the corpse aura floating in the air, and even the arrogance of the half-corpse king was severely suppressed, but unexpectedly, at this time, the suppressed corpse aura swept over again, even the arrogance that was suppressed by everyone before The restrained half-corpse king gathered energy again, roaring and rushing towards the direction of the crowd.

Xia Zishang saw another person whose throat was bitten off by the half-corpse king and sucked blood, and looked coldly at Di Fenglan.

She was sure that there must be something abnormal about this man, but she couldn't care about it at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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