God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1300 It's a Shadow Monster!

Chapter 1300 It's a Shadow Monster!
Not only Xia Zishang, but everyone else present also stared at Di Fenglan coldly.

If Gong Wuxie hadn't stabilized the formation just now, even if Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan made a move, they would have been killed by the Half Corpse King by now!
Di Fenglan's body trembled, and she said in horror, "I don't know what's going on, I really don't know!"

Everyone didn't show any good looks towards Di Fenglan, they all looked at him coldly.

"A Xia suddenly fell into a trap before, and it has something to do with you. Once was accidental, and twice was inevitable. What else do you have to say?" Xuanyuan Yelan's indifferent gaze seemed to be able to see through Di Fenglan.

Di Fenglan was so frightened that her soul almost flew away, she cried, "I really don't know, I didn't do anything, you see, I was also injured, if I really wanted to cheat, I wouldn't take my own Life is a joke!"

Seeing what Di Fenglan said, Xia Zishang burst into tears and did not refute.

If it wasn't because Di Fenglan was injured, she felt that there were other reasons for it. She would have killed Di Fenglan a long time ago, so why would she wait until now.

"Your Majesty." Xia Zishang opened his mouth and called out to his Majesty.

The king came over and took a self-conscious look at Di Fenglan.

Seeing a haze flashing across Di Fenglan's eyes, the king raised his brows high, "Huh? There seems to be some kind of ghost hidden in this man's body?"

"Spirit?" Di Fenglan was surprised, "I have never been possessed by any spirit."

"Fool, before the monster hits you, will he say hello to you and tell you?" The king looked disgusted.

"Since it's a spirit, then let me come, Mr. Xia, I have a way to force that spirit out." After Yusheng finished speaking, she walked forward quickly, took out a bottle from her arms, stood Set in front of Di Fenglan.

Xia Zishang quietly watched Yusheng's movements, and saw that he was stained with the black-gray liquid in the bottle, and drew a spell between Di Fenglan's eyebrows.

Di Fenglan only smelled a refreshing fragrance rushing towards his face. He was about to ask Yusheng what it was, but when he opened his mouth, he vomited completely uncontrollably.

Yusheng seemed to have known this would happen a long time ago, he took two steps back in time, watching Di Fenglan spit out all the acid water in his stomach, then rolled his eyes, and spit out a black ball that looked like Black shadows like briquettes.

The black shadow looked blurry, as if it had no substance, like an irregular shadow.

"It's a umbral!" The king immediately said loudly after recognizing what the black shadow was.

"Ah, you bastards, you actually used such a disgusting method to force the young master out, and the young master fought with you!" The umbral roared angrily, its illusory body turned in the air, and then moved towards the jade Sheng shoots away.

Xuanyuan Yelan raised his hand as early as the shadow monster appeared, and a spiritual force in his palm condensed into a sleeve arrow, which pierced through the shadow monster's body with a whoosh.

The Umbrella's illusory body was pierced through, causing it to let out a scream in pain, and then disappeared in an extremely fast flash.

"Be careful, the umbral is a monster cultivated from shadows. It always appears and disappears without a trace. It is very difficult to catch it!" The king reminded everyone loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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