God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1564 Feed her a mouthful of swill soup

Chapter 1564 Feed her a mouthful of swill soup
"Little beauty, this is the pure swill that I specially prepared for you. It has been fermented for seven days and seven nights. It contains the leftover duck skeleton I ate yesterday, the dead fish head left over from the day before yesterday, and the chicken butt from the day before yesterday. I'm not willing to throw it away, I'll keep it for you." The dead man's head said very affectionately, which made Yun Jingyue feel that this stupid man was really fascinated by her beauty.

But if he likes her, why should he let her eat slop!
Yun Jingyue glanced at the fermented bubbling swill and felt her stomach churning and almost vomited.

"I don't want to eat it, get the hell out of here!" Yun Jingyue let out a piercing scream.

Yun Jingyue originally thought that she could easily escape here as long as she betrayed her appearance.

But only now did she realize that the affectionate ugly monster in front of her seemed easy to bully, but his methods were actually the scariest!
"Come on, baby, open your mouth, I'll feed you." The dead head said to Yun Jingyue with a smile.

Yun Jingyue was so frightened that the hairs on her back trembled, watching the dead man's head take a spoonful of slop and move it towards her mouth.

The strong sour smell made Yun Jingyue roll her eyes wildly, she even saw the dead fish head in the spoon, her throat trembled in disgust, and she vomited wildly.

"I don't want it, I don't want to eat it!" Yun Jingyue struggled frantically, but it was a pity that her hands and feet were tied tightly, so she was no opponent with a dead head.

The dead head didn't care whether Yun Jingyue had a mouth or not, and a big spoonful of swill hit her face.

Yun Jingyue was going crazy, she didn't care about her own image, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, her body twitched violently.

"Oh, why are you so picky about food?" The dead man sighed dissatisfiedly without feeding him a mouthful, "Do you not like fish? Why don't you drink some soup?"

As he said that, the dead head dropped the dead fish head on the spoon, skimmed a layer of the smelliest swill soup from the surface of the swill bucket, and brought it to Yun Jingyue's mouth.

"Damn, you're so disgusting!" Amo was about to vomit, he took two steps back to distance himself from the dead man's head, and looked at Yun Jingyue with pity.

Xia Zishang guessed that Yun Jingyue would not open her mouth.

Sure enough, Yun Jingyue regarded death as if she was at home, and she didn't speak when she was killed.

The dead head had expected that Yun Jingyue would not cooperate, so it raised its hand

As soon as Yun Jingyue opened her mouth, the dead man handed over the spoon in his hand.

As soon as she raised her hand to send it away, the big spoon used for cooking was filled with a spoonful of swill, and all of it was poured into Yun Jingyue's mouth.

Yun Jingyue was tortured so much that life would be worse than death!
She couldn't describe the taste in her mouth, it was sour and choking, the food was spoiled and fermented, which made the swill taste sticky, and some white dregs were mixed in it, sticking to her throat, the aftertaste lingered for a long time .

Yun Jingyue's chest throbbed violently, her stomach churned, and she vomited again.

At this moment, Yun Jingyue almost spit out all her bile. She had a lot of tears and snot, and she was tortured so much that life would be worse than death.

The dead head looked at her with a smile, stretched out his hand and hugged her shoulder affectionately, pressed her down without giving her resistance, raised the spoon in his hand with a smile, and asked with concern, "How is it, Concubine Xian, Would you like another spoonful to taste?"

(End of this chapter)

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