God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1628 Shouldn't be crawling in along this hole

Chapter 1628 Shouldn't be crawling in along this hole

"Master Yin, our people have brought the cranes, please let the old, the weak, the sick, women and children go to the cranes as soon as possible." Mr. Yueqing was the first to stand up to help, and continued with a gentle expression, "In addition, the cranes Although the speed is fast, there is not much space on the back, and there is no way to take away all the wealth of the common people."

"Have you heard everything? Leave all unnecessary luggage behind!" Yin Hantian hurriedly shouted to the people.

"My lord, this is our foundation, how will we live without us?" Someone in the crowd immediately complained.

Yin Hantian had a serious expression on his face, "After you can't take care of you now, hurry up and follow the instructions, otherwise you won't be able to leave because of the delay, and you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Yin Hantian didn't speak well, but his words pierced his heart, so that the people could only obediently reduce the amount of luggage, and then with the assistance of the guards, soon the first batch of old, weak, sick and disabled boarded the crane first.

The sound of cranes resounded through the sky, and they fluttered their wings. There were hundreds of them in a large area, which was so beautiful that everyone present couldn't help being amazed.

"Open!" Xia Zishang quickly pinched a decision with five fingers, a golden light condensed from the fingertips, flashed in the air, and a huge gap was quickly opened in the enchantment above everyone's heads, and the cranes fluttered their wings, Flew out along the hole.

Seeing this scene, Yin Hantian couldn't help but feel a little worried, "Master, the demon corpse and puppets shouldn't crawl in along this hole, right?"

"Lord Yin, don't worry, Xia Ye Guoshi told us that there are some low-level demon corpses appearing around Tianhan City. And these demon corpses do not have the power to fly, and because of this, when the crane took the people away, Only then will it be safe and ensure that it will not be attacked by demon corpses and puppets." Qu Bailu took a step forward and explained patiently.

"So that's the case, that's good." Yin Hantian heaved a sigh of relief, nodded and hurriedly arranged for the next group of people to leave.

Without Ma San and others making trouble, and Xia Zishang's town hall, the next evacuation can be said to be smooth, and everyone was busy without touching the ground, and this busy work lasted until late at night.

As the time approached, the disciples of the major sects could no longer hold on. Their strength was mediocre, and after a long journey they had been busy for so long, no wonder they were tired.

Xia Zishang ordered his disciples to go back to rest. He wanted to stay and continue to evacuate, but Gong Wuxie stepped forward and stopped her.

"You've already consumed a lot of energy after building the enchantment. Now that you've been busy for so long, it's time to go to rest." In Gong Wuxie's pair of gold and silver eyes, there was a beating that Xia Zishang couldn't refuse. "Leave it to me to deal with here, you can rest assured and come back tomorrow morning to replace me."

Xia Zishang has taken fairy spring water, so she is not particularly tired now.

But Xia Zishang still had other things in mind, so she didn't reject Gong Wuxie, "Okay, then I'll come back tomorrow morning."

Leading Xiaowanzi, Xia Zishang went back to Yin Tianhan's residence.

"Master, you should have something to eat first. I'll prepare bath water for Master. Master, you can rest after taking a bath. Make sure you feel refreshed after a night." On the way back to the room, Maruko thoughtfully suggested.

"Not in a hurry, I still have something to do." While Xia Zishang was speaking, the two came to the door of the room.

Xiaowanzi pushed open the door, and saw a vague figure standing in front of the table in the darkness, as if waiting for them.

(End of this chapter)

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