God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1631 Bai Jiushu, come out for me

Chapter 1631 Bai Jiushu, come out for me

After hearing Ma San's words, Yin Hantian was almost pissed off. He raised his hand and slapped Ma San hard on the face. Despicable ways to force them!"

The cranes carried people away day and night, and they were exhausted because they were exhausted, but Ma San wanted to use the elixir to continue to squeeze those poor cranes. Such behavior is simply insane!
"Yin Hantian, you don't want to be toasted or eat fine wine, I'm kind enough to help you!" Ma San didn't expect Yin Hantian to hit him as soon as he said so, and covered his face angrily and growled.

Yin Hantian didn't even bother to look at him, for fear of dirtying his eyes, "Come here, throw him to the back of the team, if he dares to step forward to make trouble again, he will be dealt with according to the order of the national teacher!"

Ma San's face was condensed, and he glared at Yin Hantian fiercely, and was dragged down forcibly.

Ma San was forcibly sent back to the back of the line, and his three younger brothers immediately came up to meet him.

"Boss, did Lord Yin agree?" Seeing his ugly face, Ma San's younger brother could guess that Yin Hantian did not agree, and almost cried out in a hurry, "Boss, Lord Yin disagrees with Xianhe taking us first, If we drag it to the end, if we don't have time to leave, wouldn't we be dead?"

"What are you afraid of!" Ma San glared at Yin Hantian from a distance, and said with a sinister smile, "He won't give us the crane, so why can't we find it ourselves?"

The expressions on the faces of the three younger brothers changed instantly, "Brother, what do you mean..."

Ma San showed a meaningful smile, then raised his finger to block his lips, and after signaling to the three younger brothers to be calm, he immediately pretended that nothing happened and continued to line up, silently waiting to sneak out. Square opportunity.

Time flies, and it is already ugly time.

In the county government room.

After Xia Zishang finished washing, she changed into a light-colored gown.

"Master, don't you plan to rest?" Seeing that Xia Zishang didn't seem to be going to sleep, Xiaowanzi asked with concern.

"I have to see an old friend in a while, you go to rest first." When Xia Zishang mentioned the word 'old friend', there were bursts of deep cold light in his eyes.

Xiao Maruko nodded with a ignorant face, then obediently left the room.

After Xia Zishang took a sip of tea, she put down the tea bowl in her hand heavily, and said indifferently, "Bai Jiushu, come out for me."

The room was silent, Bai Jiushu didn't respond, only Xia Zishang was talking to himself in the room.

"Don't pretend, I know you are here. Come out immediately, I have something to ask you." Xia Zishang was impatient, and said again with a cold expression.

After saying this, Xia Zishang looked around, waiting for the coquettish fox to come out obediently.

However, Xia Zishang waited for a long time, but Bai Jiushu was still silent, showing no intention of coming out at all.

Anger flashed in the phoenix eyes, and Xia Zishang was full of hostility, saying word by word, "This time the monster corpse suddenly attacked Tianhan City, it must have an inseparable relationship with the monster clan. Innocent people in the city were killed or injured, and they were forced to leave Hometown, you monster clan cannot escape the blame. As the patriarch of the fox clan, you must know something hidden, I want you to get out immediately, don't force me to take you out, or I will pull out your fox tail. "

Xia Zishang can be sure that this incident has something to do with the demon world!
(End of this chapter)

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