God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1633 Something is wrong with the demon corpse

Chapter 1633 Something is wrong with the demon corpse

Xia Zishang took out the message stone in her sleeve, and swept her white jade finger over the message stone, and the figure of Xuanyuan Yelan appeared more and more clearly in her mind. out.

Xia Zishang activated the communication stone with spiritual power, and left a message for Xuanyuan Yelan, "Yunyan, everything is going well here in the capital, you can fight at ease, take everything seriously, and I'm waiting for the good news of your victory and return."

After a little relief of the strong longing in her heart, Xia Zishang put away the communication stone, got up, and walked towards the bed.

At the same time, on the border of Yanbei Country.

In the night, the star river flows, the border is extremely desolate, and the Gobi beach is silent in the vast night.

The army camp, inside Xuanyuan Yelan's military tent.

Dressed in pitch-black armor, Xuanyuan Yelan's handsome face did not show any expression, only a look of iron and blood.

After glancing at Gui Feng, the deputy general beside him, Xuanyuan Yelan asked coldly, "Have the spies you sent out come back?"

"Prince Qi, we have received the news just now that they are on their way back. If there is no accident, they should arrive soon." Guifeng replied respectfully.

Xuanyuan Yelan nodded coldly, and then felt hot in his sleeves.

With a flick of his mind, the chill in Xuanyuan Yelan's eyes instantly disappeared, turning into a deep thought, and he waved to Guifeng to let him leave.

Guifeng left obediently, and Xuanyuan Yelan also took out the communication stone.

Stimulating the spiritual power, Xuanyuan Yelan soon heard Xia Zishang's voice in the summoning stone.

The haunting voice lingered in Xuanyuan Yelan's ears for a long time.

Also instilled spiritual power into the communication stone, Xuanyuan Yelan said, "Shang'er, everything is going well in the frontier, you can rest assured that I will return in triumph."

Xuanyuan Yelan looked gentle, and just finished speaking, the ghost wind who had just left rushed in again.

"Your Highness, something is wrong!" Guifeng said anxiously with an ugly expression on his face, "There is another movement from the Western Region army. Our army found out that they seem to be planning to control monsters and attack us again!"

No wonder Guifeng was so anxious, thinking that the reason why the army of the Western Regions was invincible this time, and took down Pingyang Pass so quickly, was all because of the fact that they were raising an army of monsters!

Those monsters are all beasts that have not yet been trained to become monsters. They are ferocious, bloodthirsty and difficult to deal with. I don't know what method the Western Regions used to control so many difficult monsters, making them completely powerless to fight back. So far no way to fight the monsters has been found.

"As the deputy general of the army, how can you be so flustered?" Xuanyuan Yelan said in a calm and hostile manner, "I will pass on the order, and I will personally meet the enemy, so that all the soldiers in the camp should prepare in advance!"

"Yes!" With Xuanyuan Yelan present, Guifeng's heart that was hanging in his throat immediately let go, and hurriedly informed.

Time flies, and the ugly time has just passed, and the Yin time has just arrived.

In the room, Xia Zishang, who was resting, suddenly felt a burst of heat from the messenger stone in the sleeve cage.

Unexpectedly, when she opened her eyes, Xia Zishang urged the communication stone, and heard Lily's disturbed voice from the other end of the communication stone.

"Miss, this servant is around the barrier, and found that something is wrong with the demon corpse." Lily said cautiously, "It will be dawn soon, and it stands to reason that low-level demon corpses are afraid of the daytime, and now it's time to evacuate. But I don’t know why, not only did they not leave, but they suddenly became agitated and surrounded the barrier all the time. The servant was worried about something, so he specially contacted the young lady.”

(End of this chapter)

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