God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1639 Bite the dead man's head in one bite

Chapter 1639 Bite the dead man's head
The bright sun was covered, and the world was plunged into gloom.

The dead head and Amo rushed to the square with the people from the sect at this time, and everyone looked up at the thick haze lingering in the sky.

Amidst the dark clouds surging violently, a large swath of filthy souls could be vaguely seen filling them.

Ferocious grimaces shuttled back and forth in the clouds, while roaring and wailing, a sinister gust of wind swept in, accompanied by mournful and mournful cries, circling around everyone's ears, causing everyone's scalp to go numb.

"That's not an ordinary dark cloud, but a ten thousand evil swallowing cloud array!" The triangular eyes of the dead head were bright, and it looked at the thick clouds in the sky, and its heart sank to the bottom of the valley in vain.

Wansha swallowed the yin array, and reversed the sky with the resentment of wronged souls. At this time, the overly thick yin qi covered the bright sun, and even blocked the pure yang energy between heaven and earth!

Under the haze and resentment, those medium-sized monster corpses flying in the air seemed to be nourished, and their already strong bodies swelled up again, and there were a total of more than a dozen of them entrenched in the air together, all of them had hideous facial features and distorted faces. Full of ferocity, looking at the people below evilly.

In stark contrast to the greedy expressions of the demon corpses, the common people gathered together helplessly.

The demon corpses could almost smell the fleshy fragrance of these human races, piercing through the whistling yin energy, and with a fatal attraction, they fluttered on their faces with the wind, allowing them to imagine the blood vessels under the new tender flesh. What a sweet taste the galloping blood has.

Yin Hantian felt the eyes of the monster corpses, they were greedy eyes that treated them as food!

"Master of the State, close the barrier quickly!" Yin Hantian said in panic, his face pale and bloodless.

"The barrier can only resist low-level demon corpses. Now that the demon corpses have evolved, ordinary barriers can't stop them." Xia Zishang hurriedly glanced at the barrier covering her head, and continued with a cold expression, "And, The sky is already bright, and the enchantment should be destroyed."

Yin Hantian was shocked, and watched with the rest of the people and guards helplessly that the huge barrier surrounding Tianhan City became invisible and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Kill—!" The medium-sized demon corpses let out a ferocious roar from their throats, their voices were hoarse and piercing, like thunder falling from the sky, they opened their bloody mouths and bit the innocent people.

The monster corpses were burly, smashing the ground like iron towers.

"Ah!" A burly man present was so frightened that his legs and feet were limp on the ground, and the shadow cast by the body of the demon body enveloped him, causing him to kick his feet on the ground in fright, and kept backing away in fear.

"Hee hee hee, eat, eat!" The snake-like purple-black tongue of the demon corpse spit out from between its teeth. to the man.

"Eat your big-headed ghost!" The dead head saw the timing, and slapped the monster's head with his big fan-like hand.

The demon corpse glanced at the dead man's head from the corner of its eye, and was slapped on the ground by its slap in the next moment.

The dead head slammed the demon corpse's head into the soil, but it didn't hurt the snake-shaped demon corpse too much, it just shattered some of its scales, and a strange purple blood flowed out.

"Presumptuous!" The snake-shaped demon corpse roared and pulled its head off the ground, flicked its neck, and bit the dead man's head with a hiss.

(End of this chapter)

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