God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1641 Too busy to touch the ground

Chapter 1641 Too busy to touch the ground
Gastric juice mixed with sour and smelly corpse poison was sprayed out together, and what the snake-shaped monster spit out was a round human head!

The taste of realgar lingered in the mouth for a long time, and the snake-shaped monster almost vomited out its own intestines.

Seeing this scene, Young Master Yueqing, who was beaten into the air, gritted his teeth and got up from the ground, looking at the dead head with a sinister smile with extremely complicated eyes.

To actually use realgar to deal with snakes, this Mr. Ni is simply a devil.

The snake-shaped demon corpse vomited and rolled its eyes wildly, then its body twitched violently, and with a wow sound, it spat Amo out of its mouth.

Seeing Amo coming out, Dead Head and Xiaowanzi couldn't help but brighten their eyebrows, and then rushed forward to check Amo's situation.

Naturally, Amo had nothing serious, but he was so choked by the bad breath of the snake-shaped demon corpse that he rolled his eyes in pain at this moment, and he looked really pitiful like that.

The dead head quickly washed away all the disgusting mucus on Amo with a water talisman, which made Amo cheer up again.

"Dead worm, I will fight with you, sir!" After Amo regained consciousness, his angry eyes almost burst into flames, and his figure rushed out of the spot like a cannonball, and rushed to the snake-shaped demon corpse in an instant In front of him, a hammer knocked it to the ground, showing its trotters, and it was hit on the head like a storm.

However, defeating one demon corpse was not enough. The rest of the demon corpses swarmed up, frightening the people around and screaming. All the disciples from the various sects were able to temporarily control the current situation. Case.

These demon corpses seemed to be staring at Xia Zishang, as if she was the biggest prey for them, and rushed towards her and the people around her crazily one by one.

"Roar!" A fox demon corpse showed a fierce look, and its sharp claws and claws drew an afterimage in the air. Behind Xia Zishang, a man's face was scratched mercilessly.

Seeing this scene, Xia Zishang walked quickly, sweeping the glazed silver sword in his hand, jumping with the light of the sword, and cut off the sharp claws of the fox demon corpse.

The fox demon let out a piercing scream, opened its bloody mouth, and was whipped again, its cheeks were dripping with blood, and its body as thick as an iron tower fell heavily on the ground. There was a muffled sound.

There was a bang, and the hearts of those who heard it trembled.

Xia Zishang knocked one demon corpse into the air, and then two more demon corpses rushed forward!

Holding the Glazed Silver Sword in his left hand and the Spirit Whip in his right hand, Xia Zishang's figure quickly shuttled among the demon corpses, resisting their attacks with all his strength, and preventing them from harming the common people.

The people watched Xia Zishang so busy that his feet didn't touch the ground, and his snow-white figure was flying and spinning around surrounded by demon corpses, their eyes couldn't help but show gratitude.

Unexpectedly, a roar suddenly came from the ears of the common people.

A ferocious demon corpse stepped forward and grabbed a man by the neck.

"Help!" The man's body was lifted up, his feet were suspended in the air, and he struggled vigorously.

However, the struggle was fruitless, and the man's neck was soon infected by the demon's poison, and a large deep purple poisonous spot appeared on the place where the skin and the demon's corpse came into contact.

The reason in his eyes gradually dissipated, and the man's limbs were convulsed in pain. He was quickly turned into a corpse at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he was about to become a puppet who lost his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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