God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1831 Out of Control

Chapter 1831 Out of Control
Only by researching the ingredients contained in the corpse poison pill, can a better antidote be made to treat the distorted body of the master.

Seeing that the master and apprentice were busy talking, Xia Zishang handed over the master of the high sect to them with confidence.

Thanks to the corpse poison pill brought by Xia Zishang, Yun Yu and Dead Head finally figured out which medicines the corpse poison was produced from.

The two masters and apprentices tried their best to start from the raw materials for refining the corpse poison elixir, re-prepared the antidote, and then kept trying to improve the ingredients of the antidote. The days passed in a flash.

Three days later, Yun Yu and Dead Head finally researched their most satisfactory antidote so far.

In the courtyard, the head master Gao was sitting on an oversized chair with a nervous expression on his face, looking down at Shi Rentou and Yun Yu with his head down.

After three days of hard work by the master and the apprentice, the situation of the high door master has improved a lot. His height has gradually shrunk from the previous four meters to the current three meters, and the muscles on his body are no longer as bulging as before. , although still burly, but it looks much more normal than before.

Seeing that Master Gao was so nervous, the dead man laughed and teased, "I said Master Gao, don't be so stiff, Yun Yu and I know how to fight, we promise not to hurt you , you are so tense now, it makes me strangely nervous."

The high sect master smiled embarrassedly, "I know that the strength of the two of you is extraordinary, but I'm really worried... Let's do this, I'll try to relax a bit."

Yun Yu looked at Master Gao, showing a lovely smile like a little angel, "Don't worry, Master Gao, Master and I know how much medicine should be used to treat you, just relax and don't tense your nerves. "

The master Gao looked at Yun Yu with a sigh, thinking that this child is really not simple, not only can he be so calm at such a young age, he is even so strong, it's really amazing.

Yun Yu soothed his nervous heart, and the master Gao took a deep breath to relax, watching Yun Yu and the dead head first use iron chains to bind his body tightly to prevent him from suddenly going crazy after taking the antidote.

After confirming to tie up the sect master, Yun Yu fed the antidote to the sect master with a little nervousness.

The high door master swallowed the elixir in one gulp, feeling the extremely pure medicinal power brewing in his body quickly, this feeling is indescribably miraculous, as if his body was originally dry like dead wood Once again, he was miraculously moistened, and the medicinal power penetrated into his bones and muscles like moistening things silently.

The heavy sense of restraint that enveloped his body disappeared, and the master of the high sect could clearly feel that his control over his body seemed to be back.

Seeing the happy expression on the master's face, the master and the apprentice looked at each other, feeling a little relieved.

However, just when the master and the apprentice breathed a sigh of relief, the body of the high sect master suddenly froze.

Then, a dull pain suddenly came from his abnormally burly body, as if every muscle and bone in his body was about to be torn apart!
"Ah!" Immediately, he rolled his eyes and lost his mind, the high sect master struggled in pain, and the chains on his body rattled because of his struggle.

I saw the body of the high door master shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and such a huge change made the high door master unable to bear it, and it became so painful for a while!

(End of this chapter)

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