God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1833 Let this protector deal with this evil!

Chapter 1833 Let this protector deal with this evil!

"Yes!" Fu Yi took the silver needle, and immediately his body flashed quickly, and the hidden guards all chased in the direction where the high gate master was going.

Here, the master of the high sect ran all the way in pain, rushing to the bustling downtown.

Tormenting pain was constantly coming from inside the body, the high door master pulled his hair, trying to drive those bloody memories out of his mind.

Just when the master Gao stood on a high place and looked greedily at the common people in the busy market, resistance suddenly appeared in his heart.

No, he must not hurt innocent people anymore!
Thinking of this, Master Gao raised his arm and bit himself hard.

The pain brought clarity to the eyes of the high sect master for a moment, and he wanted to leave here immediately.

However, before the high sect master had time to leave, a commotion from below caught his attention.

"Look, it's the Great Guardian!" The joyous voices of the people were like a knife blade, piercing deeply into the head of the high sect master, distorting his expression at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Looking in the direction where the common people were commotioning, the head of the Gao family saw the beautiful woman sitting on the sedan chair, who was as beautiful as a flower.

I saw Yu Xian'er riding on an eight-carried sedan chair, walking forward slowly amidst the cheers and love of all the people, her noble appearance was even more magnificent than that of the royal princess.

Taking every move of Yu Xian'er into his eyes, the heart of the master Gao who had been silent was once again filled with anger, the clarity in his eyes disappeared in an instant, his figure was like a cannonball, and he went straight to the direction where Yu Xian'er was. .

Feeling a terrifying murderous aura approaching her in an instant, Yu Xian'er raised her head in confusion, and met the resentful eyes of the high sect master.

Following the heavy punch of the master of the high sect, the sedan chair that Yu Xian'er was riding on was smashed to pieces!

The dust all over the sky immediately swallowed Yu Xian'er's figure, and the sudden commotion was like ice water falling into a frying pan, which immediately aroused heated discussions among the surrounding people, "My God! The Great Guardian has been attacked!"

"Who has such guts? How dare you provoke the Great Guardian?"

"Let's see how the Great Protector is doing? Is she okay?" The people anxiously followed Yu Xian'er, with worried expressions on their faces.

Under the uneasy eyes of the common people, Yu Xian'er stepped back and broke through the flying dust in front of her eyes, and opened a certain distance from the high gate master.

Fortunately, because the Gao family master's body is not very controlled now, the punch that brushed Yu Xian'er's body just now did not hurt even half of her hair.

However, Yu Xian'er still felt a little timid, because she knew very well that if the man hadn't missed the shot just now, it would not be the sedan chair that was smashed, but her head!
"Where did the monster come from, dare to attack this guardian?!" Yu Xian'er roared angrily with a terrifying murderous look in her eyes.

The master of the Gao family was completely enraged by Yu Xian'er's brazen words. He tore apart the flying dust in front of his eyes like a madman, and his red eyes wanted to tear Yu Xian'er apart, "Damn woman, I killed you!" You! Kill you!"

"Ahhhh! It's a monster!" The people around all screamed at the moment they saw the high door master, and then rushed towards all directions one by one like scattered birds and beasts.

Looking at the monster in front of her, Yu Xian'er always felt that this person looked familiar, but she couldn't think of where she had seen him before, so she could only save face first, and took out the six-hole jade xun from her bosom, looking Sternly said angrily, "Everyone, don't be afraid, let this protector deal with this evil obstacle!"

(End of this chapter)

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