God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1835 Running all the way to the busy city

Chapter 1835 Flying all the way to the busy city

Not only the surrounding people were amazed, but the disciples around Yu Xian'er were even more astonished.

They could tell that the monster in front of them was not defeated, but subdued by these hidden guards with some special method!
What they couldn't even do in the temple, but these hidden guards who suddenly appeared in front of them could do it. This is enough to prove that their identities must not be simple!
After realizing this, the disciples hurriedly tried to stop these hidden guards.

It's just that the hidden guards didn't give the temple people any chance to get close.

After Fu Yi confirmed that the master of the sect was unconscious, he winked at his subordinates, "Don't be dazed, take him away quickly."

As soon as the words fell, the hidden guards picked up the unconscious high door master, and left without looking back under the amazed eyes of everyone.

"What are you still doing stupidly? Hurry up and chase after it!" Someone in the temple suddenly yelled out loudly. Just as they were about to move, Fu Yi, who was on guard, took out a smoke bomb from his arms. , and threw it lightly.

With a loud noise, the smoke bomb exploded, and the sky was full of smoke like a thick haze, instantly engulfing most of the entire downtown area, causing loud screams.

On this side, the hidden guards led the huge and tall sect master all the way over the eaves and walls, avoiding the crowded roads, and after a quarter of an hour of shuttling in the alleys, they finally returned to the National Teacher's Mansion.

The hidden guards did not stop, and after entering the gate of the National Teacher's Mansion, they sent the master of the high sect all the way into the backyard.

In the courtyard, Xia Zishang and others were waiting.

Looking carefully, almost everyone who stayed in the National Teacher's Mansion gathered here, not only Xia Zishang, Dead Head and Yun Yu, but also Qingmo, Qingcheng and Yunluo in the courtyard.

"See Master." After seeing Xia Zishang, the hidden guards all knelt down respectfully.

"Thanks for your hard work, quickly put down the high-door master." Looking at the weak and pale face of the high-door master, Xia Zishang was worried that he would go berserk again, and after the dark guards put him down, he quickly beat him to death with the spirit whip tied up.

Here, Yun Yu and Dead Head, who had been waiting for a long time, stepped forward quickly to check on the situation of the high sect master.

"Where did Master Gao go? From what he looks like, he seems to be weaker than before?" Yunluo asked with a worried expression on her brows.

"Master Gao rushed all the way to the busy city." Fu Yi replied with a bow.

Xia Zishang's expression changed suddenly, "Are there any common people injured?"

"No. When we caught up with the high-door master, we saw him stop not far from the downtown area. He resisted the urge to hurt the people. However, the high-door master immediately saw Yu Xian'er, who was parading in the street and accepting people's kneeling, lost her mind and ran away to attack Yu Xian'er, causing a commotion in the busy market."

"Mother, I don't think the high sect master can be blamed for this matter." Qing Mo's handsome face was full of complications, and he said in a serious tone.

"Qingcheng also feels the same way. If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of that bad woman, the high-door master has already controlled himself. Otherwise, no common people would be injured." Qingcheng said softly, and turned her gaze to the high-door master. When I was there, I was already full of pity, "Uncle Ni, Second Brother, is Master Gao all right?"

"It's not a serious problem." After examining the dead man's head carefully, he sighed and put his hanging heart back into his stomach, "I was really scared to death just now. It's my carelessness to say it. When poisoned, the pain caused caused the high sect master to go berserk."

(End of this chapter)

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