God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1838 This Woman Looks Too Weird

Chapter 1838 This Woman Looks Too Weird
Today, along the way, Chen Jiashi kept spreading negative energy and scaremongering, which made everyone a little dissatisfied with him.

"Deputy head, what do you mean? Don't you want to see us?" A mercenary immediately stood up on the scene and said something to Chen Jiashi without hesitation.

No one likes being splashed with cold water when they are happy, so no one spoke on Chen Jiashi's side, but looked at him with cold faces.

Chen Jiashi felt that he was alone and helpless. With his shiny forehead, he pointed at the noses of the mercenaries and scolded, "What's your attitude? I'm kind enough to remind you! Don't be ignorant of good people!"

In normal times, Chen Jiashiyi's words would have made everyone present tremble.

It's a pity that Chen Jiashi looks very weak now, everyone looked at his reflective forehead, and couldn't help laughing, and then they didn't even bother to argue with him, and looked away after a sneer.

Chen Jiashi was already nervous because of what happened last night, and he and the others were too lazy to argue with a neurotic person.

Such a reaction is far more uncomfortable for Chen Jiashi than a rebuttal!

Chen Jiashi was so suppressed that he almost vomited blood, but could only grit his teeth unwillingly and sit down.

He is not in a hurry, at worst, he will die together!When the Shuangsha King comes back tonight, it will be too late for everyone to regret it!
After everyone finished their dinner one after another, they assigned the work of the night watch. When the watchmen started to watch the night, they gathered around the fire and fell into a deep sleep.

At midnight, it was the hour of Xuezang's vigil.

Putting up all his energy to watch the night carefully, Xuezang was adding fuel to the fire in front of him, but unexpectedly, a cold wind came from nowhere, shaking the blazing flames on the fire , blew out the burning flame in front of him with a puff.

Subconsciously raised his hand and pressed it on the saber around his waist, Xuezang immediately felt an inexplicable chill coming from the hole, onto his face, and he shivered from the cold.

Thinking of the environment they are in now, Xuezang felt a strong uneasiness in his heart!

You must know that what they are currently in is a shelter from the wind. Logically speaking, there should be no wind blowing in!
I always felt that there was a bad breath slowly approaching, Xuezang stood up, put his hand on his waist, and was about to draw out the sword to wake up his companions, but a burst of coldness seemed to see through his thoughts, and suddenly struck, as if It seemed to freeze his body, but it actually made him unable to move for an instant!

His body was as heavy as if it had been poured into lead, his teeth were tightly locked, a sense of oppression squeezed his breathing, his whole body was as if soaked in icy sea water, and the chill pierced mercilessly into the bone marrow.

"Hee hee hee..." The weird and vicissitudes of laughter suddenly sounded, and there was a hint of resentment in the sadness. It sounded neither male nor female, sharp and harsh.

Accompanied by a scalp-numbing laughter, a demon red figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave.

Xuezang was frightened, he didn't know why the figure of this woman was so obvious in the darkness.

Perhaps, it's because this woman looks so weird that you can't even call her a person!

The height of the woman is very high, her body seems to have been dragged into the current appearance by life, she has long hands and feet, and the arms under the slumped shoulders are so long that they hang down to the knees. At this moment, the woman's long hair is automatic without wind Like a flying boa constrictor, there was a bloody and ferocious aura all over his body.

(End of this chapter)

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