God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1841 Sure enough, it is not unusual

Chapter 1841 Sure enough, it is not unusual

Xuanyuan Yelan, who hadn't moved until now, finally moved at this time, his figure rushed out from the spot like a bolt of thunder, raised his hand with a golden light, and went straight to chase after the old man who escaped from the cave.

The fiery breath came straight to the back of the heart, the old man was shocked, and when he turned his head, he saw Xuanyuan Yelan who was chasing after him like a ghost!
"Don't come here!" The old ghost didn't expect that besides Bai Jiushu, there would be another master. He was so frightened that he almost lost his wits, and then cut his palm with sharp nails.

The wound on the palm of the hand seemed to be a small open mouth. The old man raised his hand and flung it behind him regardless. A mist like a dark cloud spewed out from the wound, catching the hellfire abruptly.


The golden hellfire easily pierced through the fog, but the figure of the old ghost has disappeared.

"Hehehe, you weaklings, you still want to catch this king? It's just a dream!" The old man laughed arrogantly, and the cloud pierced by the prison fire went straight to the dense forest not far away. Go, "If you want to catch me and take revenge, come and find me in the depths of Fallen God Valley!"

The cloud and mist left extremely quickly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Did you see it? It's because of your carelessness that you let that old ghost go." Bai Jiushu chased after him, with his hands folded around his chest, he glanced at Xuanyuan Yelan coldly, his tone not nervous at all.

"Nothing can escape from my hellfire, and that old ghost is no exception." Xuanyuan Yelan's black and white eyes were flickering coldly, and after finishing speaking, he walked towards the old ghost's place calmly Go to the dense forest.

Bai Jiushu glanced at the members of the Snow Leopard Mercenary Corps who were still sleeping under the influence of the old man's ghostly yin, raised his hand and lit the fire with a ray of fox fire, and then slowly chased after them.

In the dense forest, the old man who turned into a cloud and fled quickly rushed into the woods, and felt something strange.

A strong and fiery burning sensation suddenly enveloped its entire soul, as if it was about to bake its soul until it melted, and there was a burst of severe pain!
"Ah!" Soon unable to bear the pain of being tormented by the fiery breath, the old man ghost's figure could no longer maintain the shape of the cloud, and immediately fell heavily to the ground with a howl.

The originally solid soul turned into an illusion at this moment, the old man ghost trembled and turned his head to look down.

It's okay if you don't look at it. After taking a look, the old man almost collapsed and passed out.

I saw that its lower body was actually wrapped in golden flames. At this time, the flames accompanied by the scorching breath continuously scorched its soul, and there was a burst of heart-piercing pain.

"How is this possible? I clearly dodged that flame!" The old man ghost realized that the matter was not simple, so he dared not move for a while, and said in surprise, "It is absolutely impossible for ordinary flames to hurt me, could it be, could it be that Is the flame one of the three spiritual fires?"

Before the words fell, the old man ghost clearly felt a burst of horrified breath coming towards it!

He was so frightened that he subconsciously closed his eyes, and then the old man heard a lazy chuckle coming from his ear.

"Even the three great spiritual fires know that you old man is really not an ordinary lonely ghost." Xuanyuan Yelan's dark red figure was like a raging fire, accompanied by a fiery breath, came to stand in front of the old man .

(End of this chapter)

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