God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1845 How to see how wretched

Chapter 1845 How to see how wretched
Naturally, he couldn't tell Xuezang that the old ghost hadn't been eliminated, and was even attached to the mercenaries of the mercenary regiment. Xuanyuan Yelan casually gave Xuezang an explanation, and then hurriedly brought up the topic.

Fortunately, Xuezang trusted Xuanyuan Yelan and Bai Jiushu very much, and did not have any doubts about their answers, but thanked them more and more.

Not only Xuezang, the mercenaries of the entire Snow Leopard mercenary group became more respectful towards the two of them, respecting them as living gods and not daring to waste their time. Go deeper into the Valley of the Fallen Gods.

As Xuezang had expected before, because they were accompanied by Xuanyuan Yelan and Bai Jiushu all the way to protect them, their speed was very fast, and they went deep into the hinterland all the way, and finally arrived at Luoshenyuan successfully at noon one day later.

Fallen God Abyss is located in the middle of Fallen God Valley, it is a natural abyss cliff.

The haze over the Valley of the Fallen Gods lingered for a long time, and the gloomy air turned into an invisible hostility that suppressed everyone's heads, making the mercenaries of the Snow Leopard Mercenary Group stand on the dark cliff, and no one dared to approach the abyss not far away.

The pitch-black abyss is like the mouth of a giant beast. The soundless darkness can't be seen at a glance. On the cliff with an almost vertical angle, there are strange rocks and no grass. A terrible chasm runs through the entire canyon. However, it is shrouded in mist from the beginning to the end, making people feel a sense of oppressive suffocation in their hearts before they get close to the past.

He couldn't help but feel weak under his feet when he got close, Xue Zang glanced at the huge difference in the distance between the cliffs for two days, and subconsciously stepped back a little, "You two young masters, as long as you pass through Luoshenyuan, you can reach the depths of Fallen God Valley... but , are you really sure you want to go down?"

There are no rocks around Luoshenyuan to cling to, and because it is too wide to pass across, so the only way to get to the bottom of Luoshenyuan is by climbing, and then climb up the cliff over there.

This sounds easy, but in reality, it is as difficult as climbing the sky.

Not to mention anything else, this abyss of falling gods is bottomless, and no one knows that there are fallen gods here, and how many dangers and dangers are lurking here.

Xuanyuan Yelan and Bai Jiushu stood on the edge of the cliff with a cold expression, quietly watching the dark abyss below.

Looking at the small stone at his feet, Xuanyuan Yelan kicked it, and the stone flew out, and then went straight to the cliff below.

The stone seemed to be swallowed by the abyss, and no one heard the sound of the stone hitting the bottom for a long time.

When Xuezang and the others saw this scene, the hairs on their backs stood on end, their faces were ashen, and their voices were trembling with fright, "I think it's too late for the two young masters to regret it now."

If you break into the cliffs and abyss in front of you, wouldn't you be looking for excitement for yourself?
Not only Xue Zang, but the entire Snow Leopard Mercenary Corps couldn't figure out why these two handsome young masters were so hard to think about!

"Go, go, what do you know? We, Mr. Xuanyuan and Mr. Bai, are big men. How could we be easily stumped by such a small difficulty?" The old ghost stood up at this time, and he was clearly in possession of a flowery man. The body of a little girl like jade, but at this time he stood up with three big and five thick, pinching his waist and shaking his legs, no matter how you look at it, it looks so wretched.

(End of this chapter)

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