1849 - Dream Demon
"Yeah, and it's a large group of flaming beasts! I guess these flaming beasts are the last group left on the mainland, so they are extremely united and have a strong sense of territory. It is not easy for us to pass through their territory. ...Moreover, the mad flame beast is very difficult to deal with. No matter how determined a person is, as long as he encounters the mad flame beast, he will definitely go berserk, without exception. Therefore, once you climb up rashly, you will definitely be killed by the mad flame beast Take control, and then all belches are over~" The old man looked at the two of them and said, "I advise you young people, it's better not to be impulsive."

"Why are you talking about such an important matter now?" Xuanyuan Yelan asked dissatisfiedly, staring at the old man coldly.

The old man felt that it was time for revenge, so he said with a cheap smile, "Hehehe, didn't you ask me?"

After the old man ghost's voice fell, Xuanyuan Yelan and Bai Jiushu shot at the same time. Their fists went straight to the old man ghost at the same time, and they punched it together.

The fists of the two were covered with their own flames, so they were extraordinarily hot, making the old man feel as if he had been scorched by a hot iron, and his eyes suddenly became pandas.

"Wait! Don't fight, I, I have a solution, and I can help you overcome this difficulty!" The old man ghost had a strong desire to survive, and hurriedly shouted at the two of them.

After hearing what the old man said, the two stopped their movements at the same time.

"There are dream monsters in this canyon. These dream monsters suck men's energy as food and kill people. As long as you can resist the temptation in the illusion created by the dream monsters, then when you wake up, the dream monsters They will consume too much and lose the ability to fight. At that time, we can snatch the sleeping crystal from the dream monster together, and use the crystal to deal with the mad flame beast." The old man said hurriedly.

The aura of the mad flame beasts is not without medicine, the only way to subdue the mad flame beasts is to use sleep crystals to make them fall into a deep sleep, and the dream monsters are also monsters that should have been extinct long ago, but they never thought they would appear here.

After hearing this, the two men finally withdrew the flames wrapped around their fists.

"Hey, two young masters, it's not that I don't believe in your perseverance. It's just that you have to work hard when the dream monsters come. The dreams created by the dream monsters are hot and fragrant. Yes, you can't hold it back!" the old man ghost said at the end, winking at Xuanyuan Yelan and the two.

The two of them glanced at the old man ghost in unison, and they both looked at it with disgust, then they each found a corner, closed their eyes and rested up.

The old man didn't mind seeing that the two of them were ignoring him, but calmly waited for the night to fall like a light cloud.

It was always dark under the canyon. Logically speaking, Xuanyuan Yelan and the others couldn't judge the time when the dream monster appeared from the sky.

However, just as a gust of wind blew past along the ground, the two men who had their eyes tightly closed opened them at the same time.

There was no sleepy look in their eyes, and the eyes of the two were cold, and they looked to their left side at the same time.

"The Meng Yao is here." Xuanyuan Yelan said slowly, as if his dark eyes were frozen.

(End of this chapter)

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