God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1858 That coquettish fox has always been smug

Chapter 1858 That coquettish fox has always been smug
Xuanyuan Yelan guessed that the woman who appeared in the illusion just now was the Demon Corpse King. He didn't panic at all, and said calmly, "Don't worry, that fox will be fine."

Chi Yan was so anxious that he almost smoked, he was depressed in his heart, where did Xuanyuan Yelan get his confidence?
As soon as Xuanyuan Yelan's voice fell, the fox fire shot up all over Bai Jiushu's body.

With a puff, the raging fire wrapped Bai Jiushu, and then he spent about the same time as Xuanyuan Yelan, burning the dream monster who trapped him to death, and ruthlessly threw the corpse girl out of the sleeping space.

"Yeah!" Corpse Ji looked like a broken sack, her head hit the ground, causing her to be so painful.

Shi Ji didn't have time to care about other things, she raised her hand and covered her face tightly, trying to block the red and swollen palm marks on her face!

Chi Yan was stunned, and he looked at Xuanyuan Yelan in disbelief.

"It's so fucking amazing! Don't you two have a bad relationship?" Chi Yan couldn't understand, since the two of them didn't have a good relationship, how could Mr. Xuanyuan know Sao Fox so well!
Xuanyuan Yelan raised the corners of her lips, and said in a tone as light as a feather, "That coquettish fox has always been stinky, so he definitely doesn't like the face of the Demon Corpse King."

Hearing this, Chi Yan was stunned for a moment, and then unceremoniously opened his throat and laughed wildly.

Shi Ji fell to the ground, her hands were still miserably covering her red and swollen cheeks, she couldn't accept her defeat at all at this moment!
Are both men devils? !How could one turn a blind eye to her beauty.

At this time, Bai Jiushu also opened his eyes and woke up. As Xuanyuan Yelan expected, he looked at Shi Ji with disgust in his eyes, "You don't look as good as me, and you want to seduce me? It's ridiculous."

Shi Ji fell to the ground in pain when she heard the words, clutching her chest and was so angry that she rolled her eyes.

But Xuanyuan Yelan and Bai Jiushu were so handsome that they blocked all her rebuttals!
Chiyan even made a merciless mockery, with tears streaming from the corners of his eyes, "Hahaha, I told you that I was blind back then, but you just don't believe me. But it doesn't matter if you don't believe me Ah, now some people are raising their hands to hit you in the face!"

"You still don't shut up for me!" Corpse Ji's angry eyes almost burst into flames, and her figure was ejected from the ground quickly, her eyes swept across the two of them angrily, and then she roared angrily Roaring, "Since none of you are willing to be the king's captives, then the king will simply kill you! Babies, come out!"

While Corpse Ji was speaking, there was a sudden strong vibration from the ground under their feet.

Boom boom boom!
Cracks appeared on the hard ground, spreading rapidly like a spider's web, rushing to the feet of Xuanyuan Yelan and Bai Jiushu, gray and rotten arms drilled out of the ground, each pair of hands had sharp, pitch-black claws like hooks , went straight to the legs of the two of them and grabbed them!

Staring indifferently at this terrifying scene, Xuanyuan Yelan and Bai Jiushu stepped back at the same time, seeing the collapsed ground approaching quickly as if chasing them, amidst the dust, some high-level demon corpses came out of the ground .

The disgusting smell of corpses swept across, and with the rampant laughter of Corpse Ji, those high-level demon corpses climbed out of the ground, staring at Xuanyuan Yelan and the two as if they were staring at delicious food.

 Lalala card is busy, card is busy, please ask for a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommended ticket.You can consider letting Yuxian'er take a box lunch
(End of this chapter)

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