God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1878 Lady, can you recognize who I am?

Chapter 1878 Lady, can you recognize who I am?
"Master Guoshi, the second young master, my name is Wang Er, I have always believed that Master Guoshi is innocent, and I have never said a bad word about Guoshifu, I believe that Master Guoshi will not Hurt our common people, so I ask Master Guoshi and Second Young Master to save my wife." After finishing speaking, Wang Er slammed his head several times towards Xia Zishang, mother and son, so hard that he broke his forehead , leaving a bloodstain on the floor tiles.

Blood kept gushing from the wound, even so, it couldn't stop the man from kneeling down.

And when one person stood up and spoke, the rest followed suit one after another.

All of them looked respectful, and these common people all knelt down before Xia Zishang and Yun Yu, "We also believe in Master Guoshi and the Second Young Master!"

Butler Huo also recognized that these kneeling people were all good people who did not pour cold water on Xia Zishang when they were misunderstood by the people before, and still stood by their National Teacher's Mansion.

Yun Yu saw that these people were all tortured because of their own family members with teary eyes, and her heart softened, "Mother, look at how pitiful they are, can I help them?"

Seeing that the people who stood up had gathered ten people, Xia Zishang nodded gently towards Yun Yu, "Okay, let's go."

Yun Yu nodded, and then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, ordered the secret guards of the National Teacher's Mansion to pick out the family members who turned these ordinary people into puppets from the group of puppets.

The puppets that were picked out looked even more ferocious. They frantically tried to break free from the restraints on their wrists, and they didn't stop until their wrists were rubbed against the rope and bled.

"Hey, hey!" Among them, Wang Er's wife, Zhou Shi, struggled the most. Her red eyes were filled with tyrannical murderous aura. At this moment, she kept twisting her body and saw Yun Yu walking in front of her.

The unique smell of meat on the child's body crazily attacked the nerves of Wang's second wife.

Viscous saliva flowed out of his mouth, Zhou Shi frantically tried to break free from the restraints, but he was still tightly suppressed.

"Open her mouth." Yun Yu ordered.

The subordinates immediately opened Zhou's mouth according to Yun Yu's order, and watched as Yun Yu poured the antidote from the bottle into Zhou's mouth.

Zhou struggled frantically to resist, but it was in vain, and he was forcefully given the antidote.

"Ugh!" After Zhou swallowed the antidote, she suddenly opened her throat and let out a piercing scream. Her body was rubbing and struggling on the ground, as if she was enduring great pain.

Fear appeared in everyone's eyes, and they all watched this scene in horror.

Zhou continued to struggle, her mouth and nose soon overflowed with foul-smelling poisonous blood, and her whole body convulsed in pain until finally, under the gaze of everyone, the scarlet fury in her eyes finally disappeared, and turned into pain and confused.

His complexion also changed from being weird to pale now, and Zhou looked around carefully, as if he hadn't figured out what was going on right now.

"Ahem, cough, this is me, what's the matter?" Zhou's voice was weak and hoarse, although it was still very weak, but it was a sober voice, not as crazy as before.

"My lady! My lady!" Wang Er hurried over, hugged Zhou with a sob, and carefully wiped the blood on her face with his sleeve, "My lady, can you recognize who I am?"

(End of this chapter)

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