God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1880 Don't worry, I won't kill you

Chapter 1880 Don't worry, I won't kill you

Xia Zishang stretched out her hand, and touched Yun Yu's little face lovingly, "Mother has seen it, you did a great job."

What Xia Zishang praised was not only the antidote that Yun Yu refined, but also Yun Yu's attitude when dealing with those common people.

Yun Yu's willingness to treat these puppets for free is doing great good.

But there is a limit to this kindness, and one cannot blindly give, so Yun Yu was able to remain calm when facing those common people, instead of blindly softening her heart, which made Xia Zishang very pleased.

Besides, just now they asked who was going to come forward to receive the antidote, and it was these people who didn't take advantage of the opportunity, so naturally they can't rely on others, they can only blame themselves.

Yu Xian'er was lying on the ground miserably at the moment, a layer of cold sweat broke out from her body, she was so shocked that her hairs stood on end, "No, no, this is impossible, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

You know, their temple has not developed an antidote to the corpse poison so far, but the National Teacher's Mansion actually succeeded in researching it with just one child?How can this be!

"Yu Xian'er, you still dare to talk nonsense here." Wang Er let go of the rope that bound his wife, and glared at Yu Xian'er resentfully, "A poisonous woman like you deserves to die without a place to die, everyone agrees!"

"Yes!" Wang Er's words stirred up waves, and all the deceived people wished they could rush up and eat Yu Xian'er alive.

It's just that it's not enough, someone in the crowd angrily grabbed the stone on the ground, and then frantically threw it in the direction of Yun Yu'er.

Yu Xian'er was bruised and swollen by the flying stones, so she could only open her throat and howl in pain.

"Master Guoshi! Kill her, kill this femme fatale woman!" Someone in the crowd yelled again.

"Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!" The anger of all the people turned into a murderous aura at this moment, and they continued to roar and shout.

Raising her hand to signal everyone to be safe, Xia Zishang said calmly, "I have my own discretion as to how Yu Xianer should deal with it."

"Yes, Master Guoshi, don't worry, we will listen to you!" The people are now looking forward to Xia Zishang, no matter how Xia Zishang decides, they have no opinion at all.

Seeing that Lao Yang, who was suppressing her, got up and left, Yu Xian'er looked at Xia Zishang in horror, kicked the ground with both legs, and kept backing away.

At this moment, Xia Zishang's aura was fierce, like a god of death from hell!
Why does this woman have such a terrifying aura? !
Yuxian'er couldn't understand, she could only say tremblingly, "Xia Zishang, don't forget who is behind me, you can't kill me, you can't..."

Xia Zishang frowned coldly, kicked Yu Xian'er directly from the spot, and stopped her from uttering words.

Yuxian'er's dantian was kicked into pieces, she rolled her eyes and almost passed out, but because of the severe pain of her body hitting the ground, she regained consciousness.

One leg was broken, and Yu Xian'er vomited blood, enduring the pain and strenuously climbing ahead.

Xia Zishang caught up slowly and stepped on Yuxian'er's ankle, "Don't worry, I won't kill you."

After finishing speaking, Xia Zishang stepped hard on her foot and crushed Yu Xian'er's ankle.

As if she couldn't hear Yu Xian'er's scream, Xia Zishang said slowly, "Do you know why I spared your life?"

(End of this chapter)

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