God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1892 Show Father Your Face

Chapter 1892 Show Father Your Face
But even if Zhuge Qing didn't continue talking, it was not difficult for Zhuge Jiajia to guess what she wanted to say.

When Concubine Yu was still in the palace before, Xuanyuan Lintian didn't know what restraint was at all, and spent all day in the harem, having fun with that Concubine Jade.

A person's energy is limited after all, it is only natural that Xuanyuan Lintian would be entangled with Concubine Yu day and night, and his body would be hollowed out.

"Empress." Zhang Defu came into the door at this moment, and reported respectfully, "The First Prince heard that His Majesty was ill, so he hurried back from outside, saying that he wanted to see His Majesty, and personally greet him."

"Your Majesty is not energetic right now, so you may not have the energy to meet people. Let Su'er wait for a while, and I will go and ask His Majesty's opinion." Zhugeqing stood up while speaking, and then walked towards the main hall. Reported this matter to Xuanyuan Lintian.

Originally thought that Xuanyuan Lintian didn't have the energy to meet people, but what Zhuge Qing didn't expect was that after Xuanyuan Lintian heard this, he announced Xuanyuan Su outside the door into the palace without saying a word.

Zhugeqing was worried about Xuanyuan Lintian's body, so he stood at the door until the closed palace door was pushed open, and Zhang Defu led Xuanyuan Su in together.

"I will see my mother." After Xuanyuan Su entered the door, he bowed to Zhuge Qing, his face was full of unconcealable anxiety, "Mother, how is father now?"

Seeing Xuanyuan Su's appearance of rushing back, Zhugeqing couldn't help feeling sorry for his son, "Your Majesty is fine for the time being. Su'er, concubine mother heard that you are helping the common people drive away demon corpses and Puppet, you have already worked hard, so why rush back in such a hurry."

Xuanyuan Su didn't agree with Zhuge Qing's words, his eyes were filled with worry, and he sighed, "Father is seriously ill, and my son and minister can't sleep or eat well, so I must hurry back to see."

"Su'er..." Xuanyuan Lintian who was on the dragon couch heard Xuanyuan Su's words, coughed twice, and said weakly, "Everyone else will step down, as long as Su'er stays alone, that's enough."

"Yes." Not daring to disobey Xuanyuan Lintian's order, Zhuge Qing hurriedly left with the rest of the dormitory, and before leaving, he did not forget to close the door of the dormitory.

The heavy door was closed, and Xuanyuan Su walked in the direction where Xuanyuan Lintian was.

"My son sees my father." Xuanyuan Su quickly came to Xuanyuan Lintian's bed, and then respectfully knelt down towards Xuanyuan Su, "My father, my son came back late, please forgive my sin."

"Good boy, Father knows that you are going out to practice and want to relieve Father's worries, Father does not blame you." Xuanyuan Lintian's weak voice came from behind the pale golden bed curtain, "Su'er, please leave the bed. Lift the veil and let the emperor see your face."

"Yes." According to Xuanyuan Lintian's instructions, Xuanyuan Su lifted the curtain of the bed and saw Xuanyuan Lintian's pale face that was bloodless.

As the saying goes, illness comes like a mountain, Xuanyuan Lintian is tortured by the illness, the whole person looks like ten years old, even breathing seems so difficult at this moment, eyelids are drooping due to sleepiness, and the whole body is sluggish and weak.

Xuanyuan Su had never seen Xuanyuan Lintian look so tired, so he couldn't bear to call out, "Father!"

It's only been a few days since I saw him. Xuanyuan Su really didn't expect that his father would suddenly fall ill. At this time, his heart seemed to be dug a big hole, and the cold wind came in, and he was so cold. trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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