God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1901 1 Song of Death

Chapter 1901 A Music of Death
Xuanyuan Su was tortured terribly by the sound of the pipa, his face was pale, he gritted his teeth to keep himself from falling to the ground, but at this moment a violent puppet beside him suddenly rushed towards him, forcing him to raise his hand The unsheathed long sword slashed heavily on the puppet's neck, knocking him unconscious.

However, just knocking a puppet unconscious won't do anything at all!

The puppets around were still restless, twisting their bodies like crazy demons, each of them showed the look of madness and riot, and then rushed towards Xuanyuan Su and the soldiers present again!
Already tortured enough by the ice fog and the sound of the pipa, the soldiers had deep fear in their eyes, seeing the puppets rushing towards them frantically!

Seeing this scene, Xia Zishang's phoenix eyes became even more chilly, and the spiritual power in her body burst out at this moment, and in a rage, she played the jade xun fiercely, facing Yue Lianxue!

In an instant, the intense sound of the pipa collided with the thick sound of the jade xun!

The powerful spiritual power turned into scattered ripples, and its power was so great that it shattered the gravel all over the ground into a piece of powder!
The soldiers and puppets were stiffened by the shock, and their faces were pale. Obviously, they couldn't bear more damage!

Xuanyuan Su's body trembled like a pendulum, his clothes were drenched with cold sweat, at this moment his eyes turned black, and the roaring sound in his mind made him have a splitting headache!
At this time, the sound of pipa and jade xun collided and interlaced, stirring up a movement of death!

Even though they gritted their teeth, they still spit out blood from the shock. The soldiers were staggering, rolling their eyes wildly, and being forced to be unable to breathe by the powerful force!

If this continues, even if the soldiers present will not die, they will be seriously injured by the too strong spiritual power!

It was very clear that Yue Lianxue wanted to push herself into a desperate situation through this method, Xia Zishang did not expect that this woman would actually make a move in person.

This woman is nothing more than wanting to drive her into a desperate situation like last time, using the lives of the soldiers and puppets present, and even the lives of innocent people in the entire capital, to inflict a heavy blow on her, forcing her to leave Yanbei Kingdom .

No matter what, this woman cannot be allowed to succeed. Xia Zishang knows very well that only when she has the upper hand can the soldiers win the chance of survival.

Thinking of this, Xia Zishang freed up a hand, and quickly cut through his palm.

At the same time, the Bai Ze Lingxi Pen flew out of her armband, spun quickly in the air, caught the blood flowing down from her, and then quickly began to float in the air as her mind moved. Draw the spell.

A spell drawn with blood, every time a stroke is made, it will leave a blood-red mark in the void.

Xia Zishang scrambled for the second, writing like a god, and using the Bai Ze Lingxi pen while breathing, he constructed an extremely powerful formation in front of him.

Beads of sweat oozed from his forehead, and Xia Zishang muttered silently in his heart.

The spirit of blood and soul, confuses the world, listen to my orders, come out! !
Immediately, an invisible gust of wind howled out from the spot, and several blood-colored gusts turned into wild shadows, tore apart the night sky, and rushed straight to the darkness that could not be seen at a glance.

At the same time as the gust of wind whizzed out, a blood-colored eye appeared between Xia Zishang's brows. This pair of eyes resembled her third eye very much. At this moment, following the howling wind, she was led to look forward. , following the figure of Yuelianxue.

(End of this chapter)

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