God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1908 Don't stop! ?

Chapter 1908 Don't stop! ?

The wind blade, which is as real as it is, bursts out of the sky quickly, flying straight into the sky at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The terrifying wind blade shattered into waves in the air, and the shocking wind pressure flew over Xia Zishang's head, but it was not coming towards her.

Suddenly, a bad premonition arose in Xia Zishang's heart, and the alarm bells rang in Xia Zishang's heart, and he turned his head to look in the direction of Kyoto!

When the wind blade flew in the air, it swelled rapidly from the size of the palm, and finally produced a wave in the air, like a scythe of death, hitting the huge barrier covering the entire Kyoto with a whoosh!

When the two collided, there was an astonishing loud noise, and a huge gap was blasted out of the originally solid barrier. At this time, a snow-white cold mist rolled in the air, pouring water along the crack. go in!

The icy cold fog froze the barrier on the edge of the gap, and its power was so powerful that it gradually collapsed the solid barrier!

Yue Lianxue sneered, she wanted to destroy what Xia Zishang valued most!

Seeing Yue Lianxue pick up the pipa strings again, Xia Zishang's phoenix eyes showed a bloodthirsty murderous look. She held a six-hole jade xun in one hand, and with the other hand, held a sharp knife and went straight to Yue Lianxue's head, "Still not stopping!?"

Before Xia Zishang approached, Yue Lianxue quickly backed away, opening the distance between Xia Zishang and Xia Zishang at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and then as if mocking her, the jade finger swept across the string, and then Several wind blades were formed, and they went straight to the puppets lying on the ground not far away!

The sharp wind blades burst out of the air, looking to cut off the heads of the puppets!
Xia Zishang had to stop chasing Yue Lianxue, retreated quickly, and then raised the glazed silver sword in his hand, smashing all the wind blades.

Guessing that Xia Zishang would make such a move, Yue Lianxue didn't panic at all, and made a clattering sound with her fingertips, controlling the already unconscious puppets around Xia Zishang, causing them to wake up again, and then straight Ben Xia Zishang struck from behind.

Immediately, she was caught in the adversity of being attacked on both sides, and Xia Zishang had to turn around to block the sharp claws waving from the puppets.

Yue Lianxue saw the opportunity, played the pipa in her hand even more frantically, and controlled more puppets!

The ear-piercing sound of the pipa reverberated in the air, and the puppets who had fallen to the ground seemed to be summoned one by one, and struggled to get up from the ground. Looking at thousands of them, they formed a silent wave.

They stared at Xia Zishang together, their eyeballs were filled with blood, and the nails were as black as hooks and shot out from their fingertips again!
The sound of the pipa stopped abruptly, Yue Lianxue looked at Xia Zishang indifferently and sharply, and said with a light smile, "My dear daughter, as long as you admit your mistake now, mother will give you another chance..."

Xia Zishang sneered, took out a pitch-black ball from the sleeve, and before Yue Lianxue could finish speaking, she threw the ball towards Yue Lianxue's direction!

Yue Lianxue was caught off guard, watching the ball spin rapidly in the air and heading straight for her.

Not paying attention to this kind of attack at all, Yue Lianxue chopped off the ball in the middle with a wind blade with all her strength.

What Xia Zishang was waiting for was this scene, seeing the liquid accumulated in the ball, splashing out as the ball burst, and splashing all over Yue Lianxue's body with a splash!

(End of this chapter)

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