God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1910 What Did You Move?

Chapter 1910 What Did You Move?

After hearing Yue Lianxue's provocative words, Xuanyuan Yelan immediately raised her head and gave her a deep look.

Not seeing any anger in his eyes, Xuanyuan Yelan looked Yue Lianxue up and down, and then asked a very heart-wrenching question, "Shang'er, who is this piece of black charcoal?"

No wonder Xuanyuan Yelan would ask this question. First of all, he had never seen Yuelianxue before, and the most important thing is that now Yuelianxue has a dark face and an exploding head, like a scorched pheasant. No matter who looked at her, she would never imagine that she would be a high-ranking saint of the temple.

Yue Lianxue's face turned pale immediately when she heard the words, and when she heard Xia Zishang's ruthless mocking sound, her face turned red in an instant!

"You bastard, you're looking for death!" Yue Lianxue's heart was completely filled with anger, she didn't care whether Xuanyuan Yelan did it on purpose or not, the aura around her body tumbling out of the sky, after a violent tumbling in the air, forming a The cold icy mist rushed straight towards Xuanyuan Yelan overwhelmingly!

A piece of frost formed where the ice mist passed, and the biting cold rushed in, causing Xuanyuan Yelan to raise his eyebrows involuntarily.

Afterwards, Xuanyuan Yelan flicked his fingers.

The fiery flame rolled in the air, fell into the ice mist, and shattered it in an instant.

"The rumored saint of the temple, is this the only ability?" Xuanyuan Yelan raised her brows high, her deep eyes were not mixed with any extra emotion, except for a look of disdain!
The ice fog disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, Yue Lianxue raised her hand and swept the pipa hard!
The sound of the pipa reverberated in the air, and Yue Lianxue used the pipa to control the puppet to attack again, "I see how rampant you are!"

Xia Zishang saw that the eyes of the puppets around him were full of resentment, and knew that Yue Lianxue must have aroused all the corpse poison in the puppets!

The puppets are going crazy because of the toxins in their bodies. Now that the toxins in their bodies are activated, it means that these puppets will become even more violent than before!

Ready to attack at any time, Xia Zishang thought that under Yue Lianxue's control, those puppets would attack soon.

However, Xia Zishang waited for a while after posing seriously, but was surprised to find that these puppets didn't respond, they didn't move at all.

How can this be?

She understood the situation, just now Yue Lianxue had controlled the puppets to attack, logically speaking, the puppets should also come out in full force!

But they didn't move, as if they didn't hear Yue Lianxue's order.

The most surprised person present was Yue Lianxue. She was startled for a while, and then played the pipa in her hand even more vigorously!
But no matter how hard Yue Lianxue played, those puppets still ignored her willfully!

"It seems that your manipulative technique doesn't work anymore." Xuanyuan Yelan was not surprised. He put his arm around Xia Zishang's shoulders, as if everything was under his control. At this time, he looked at Yue Lianxue with a half-smile , "Why don't you give me a try instead?"

"Bastard man, what the hell did you do?!" Believing that there would be absolutely no problem with her manipulative skills, Yue Lianxue stared at Xuanyuan Yelan dissatisfied.

Speaking of which, wasn't it just after Xuanyuan Yelan appeared that the puppets in front of him suddenly got out of control!

Xuanyuan Yelan did not deny it, but lightly took out a blood-red liner from the sleeve cage.

(End of this chapter)

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