God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1921 Are you still alive, Your Highness?

Chapter 1921 Are you still alive, Your Highness?
"Miss Xia's words are wrong. No matter who you are, you are the savior of our Yanbei country, and we should respect you." Xuanyuan Su was the first to stand up and speak, with a well-balanced smile on his face. That's harmless.

Looking at the eldest prince who has always been gentle, Xia Zishang's eyes were very light, but after nodding, he looked away.

Seeing that the smile on Xia Zishang's lips faded, everyone looked at each other for a while, not knowing why.

What's happening here?Could it be that there is some festival between Xia Guoshi and the First Prince?Why is Master Xia's attitude towards the First Prince so indifferent?

Xuanyuan Su didn't seem to notice the difference, he had a hidden smile in his brows and eyes from the beginning to the end, like a jade sculpture, standing in place gentle and refined, chatting with the ministers around him from time to time.

"Heh, you even said that you are a commoner's woman. I think Miss Xia's style is not small at all!" A disharmonious voice, like a dagger, pierced into the originally harmonious atmosphere.

This sound attracted the attention of everyone present at the same time, causing everyone to look at him at the same time.

I saw a man wearing luxurious clothes with an extravagant face standing in a small corner of the hall as if he had been squeezed out by everyone. At this moment, he was glaring at Xia Zishang and at Xuanyuan Yelan beside her.

Xia Zishang recognized this man, she smiled slightly, and there was faint disdain in her phoenix eyes, "It turns out to be His Highness the Third Prince. I haven't seen His Highness for a long time, I don't think you are still alive, Your Highness?"

"Xia Zishang, what do you mean?! Are you cursing my prince?!" Xuanyuan Qingfeng widened his eyes, rolled up his sleeves angrily, and was about to rush over.

However, Xuanyuan Yelan ruthlessly landed on Xuanyuan Qingfeng with a cold eye knife.

There was a chill on Xuanyuan Qingfeng's neck. He tremblingly glanced at Xuanyuan Yelan, stopped his steps in a cautious manner, and blushed, "Xia Zishang, don't be too arrogant! You think you are a little young?" Credit, you are in trouble? Let me tell you, Father has never allowed anyone to deceive him, and today you are here to die, Father will definitely convict you of deceiving the emperor! Just wait and see! "

When everyone heard this, they looked at Xuanyuan Qingfeng with complex expressions in their eyes, and some ministers shook their heads after sighing.

Suddenly, the hall fell into a strange silence.

Gently hooking Xuanyuan Yelan's finger, Xia Zishang's eyes moved, she watched Xuanyuan Qingfeng quietly, and sighed, "No wonder it's not you."

Xuanyuan Qingfeng didn't understand the meaning of Xia Zishang's words, and looked at her with a puzzled frown, "What do you mean by that?"

"No wonder His Majesty didn't choose you as Crown Prince, Xuanyuan Qingfeng, you are so stupid." Xia Zishang's tone was as calm as water, not targeting, but just stating the facts.

Among so many people present, Xuanyuan Qingfeng was the only one who didn't understand the current situation.

He is such a person without insight, no wonder he has never done anything as a prince.

What Xia Zishang said was extremely sharp, but everyone present fell silent at the same time, agreeing with what she said.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng never expected that Xia Zishang's words would be so sharp, his face was livid, and he roared angrily, "You damn bitch, I'm going to tear your mouth off!"

(End of this chapter)

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