Chapter 1926
Quickly walking in front of Lu Hongjun, Xia Zishang greeted him with a smile on his face, "Master, you are back."

Lu Hongjun subconsciously wanted to respond to his precious apprentice as usual, but then he seemed to remember something, and closed his opened mouth again, as if he was holding a ball in his mouth. He was so angry that he refused to say a word.

Xia Zishang was not in a hurry, but sat down beside Lu Hongjun, watching him quietly, as if waiting for him to speak.

Lu Hongjun could bear it this time, he held his breath in a daze, he didn't even look at Xia Zishang, and he didn't want to say a word to her.

Seeing Lu Hongjun's displeasure, Xia Zishang sat beside Lu Hongjun and calmly tasted the tea in the cup.

After a while, Lu Hongjun asked in a firm tone, "You don't have anything to say to Master?"

Seeing that Lu Hongjun couldn't hold back anymore, Xia Zishang said calmly, "I think Master doesn't want to listen to me in all likelihood."

"Didn't you just be a princess in the beginning? Why is she a queen now?" Lu Hongjun was a little angry, but when he looked into Xia Zishang's eyes, his heart was more distressed.

"Master, what's the difference between a crown princess and a queen? Even if I become a crown princess, once Yunyan ascends the throne of the emperor, I still have to become a queen." Xia Zishang frowned and looked at the stubborn Lu Hongjun.

Sure enough, Lu Hongjun didn't agree with what Xia Zishang said at all, "Silly girl, how can this be the same? This is different. Once you enter the palace gate, it's as deep as the sea, and in the prince's mansion, you are Xuanyuan Yelan's exclusive favor, but when you arrive In the deep palace, there are 3000 beauties in the harem, the master is worried that you will be wronged."

Xia Zishang's eyes softened, "Master, we have agreed that we will be a couple forever, and Yun Yan won't."

Lu Hongjun saw the warm joy in Xia Zishang's phoenix eyes, and the scene that happened many years ago appeared in his mind.

At that time, Xia Zishang also had a soft look on her face, which was the unique look of a girl who was deeply in love, so that people could feel her happiness just by looking at her.

"At that time, you seemed to say the same thing..." Lu Hongjun murmured in a voice that only he could hear. He felt that his throat was stuffed with a ball of cotton soaked in water, blocking his Breathing made him feel uncomfortable all over.

A couple for life, that's what Tuer said at the time, but in the end, what did she get in the end?
There was light shining in Lu Hongjun's eyes, he took a deep breath, and then slowly closed his eyelids, "Forget it, let you go."

Not knowing why Lu Hongjun showed such an expression, Xia Zishang felt a throbbing pain in her heart, her lips moved but she had nothing to say.

Lu Hongjun didn't seem to notice the change in Xia Zishang's expression, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and when he opened his eyes again, his expression was as calm as water, "Shang'er, I'm going to investigate the Twelve Stars this time." Mingzhen, has already had some gains."

When even the energy came up, Xia Zishang couldn't wait to ask, "What gain?"

"You also know that the Twelve-Star Heavenly Demon Formation is an ancient formation created by the ghost clan. It is very difficult to deal with. As a teacher, I found traces left by the person who set up the formation in a cave on a mountain outside Kyoto, but, There is no aura of ghosts there, but there are some clues about the temple." Lu Hongjun said with a solemn expression.

(End of this chapter)

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