God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1939 I Really Had Eight Lifetimes of Misfortune to Marry You

Chapter 1939 I Really Had Eight Lifetimes of Misfortune to Marry You

The driver in charge of driving the car looked at the three lovely children, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Although he didn't know the identities of this lady and the three children, but these three children were pure-minded and clever people, and he didn't know what kind of family they were able to teach such good children.

It was rare for a horse-drawn carriage to come to Taoyuan Village, and people from the houses around Xia Guangqing's house had already come out to look around and recognized the three little buns.

"Oh my god, aren't these the three children from the Xia family?" Someone in the crowd sighed.

"You don't want to live anymore? What are the three children of the Xia family? Those are the Xuanyuan family, the three children of the royal family! Didn't you hear the news from the palace?" Someone warned right away.

When the driver was still dazed when he heard the words, Xia Zishang followed the children out of the car.

Yanli's figure fell into the eyes of everyone present, causing them all to look adored and excited. They all bowed to Xia Zishang in unison, "See Master Guoshi."

In Taoyuan Village, there is no one who does not know Xia Zishang.

It was her, who was pregnant with the dragon seed a few years ago. By chance, she not only fell in love with the new emperor, but even ascended to the throne of the national teacher by herself, becoming the second most honored person in the Yanbei Kingdom. big shot.

Only then did the coachman come to his senses, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly knelt down, "Please forgive me, my lord, villain, I didn't know this until now!"

"It's okay, let's all stay flat." Xia Zishang hooked the corners of her lips, showing a casual smile, "Go straight along this road, and you will find my courtyard. If you can't find it, you can ask the villagers for help." Ask, go and put my and the children's luggage home first."

Just looking at Xia Zishang's smile, the coachman felt pleasing to the eye, and at this moment, he didn't dare to delay at all, and hurriedly withdrew.

Watching the coachman leave, Xia Zishang walked in slowly.

Holding hands, the three little buns happily followed Xia Zishang to Xia Guangqing's house.

The gate of Xia's house was dilapidated. Before Xia Zishang entered, he heard a hysterical roar from the courtyard inside the gate.

"Xia Guangqing, you useless piece of trash! It took me eight lifetimes of bad luck to marry you. What do you think you are good for? You just watch your wife and children being trampled on their heads all day long. You, you coward!" Gu's Hedong lion's roar was deafening, and it was as unpleasant as ever.

"Stop it! Can you stop it?!" Xia Guangqing said with a strong tone of irritability.

"You still dare to kill me? You son of a bitch!" Gu Shi seemed to have smashed something, there was a loud noise from the yard, followed by Gu Shi's unbearable insults.

Xia Zishang raised her hand calmly and pushed the door open.

In the courtyard, there were still two tears in Gu Shi's eyes. She was as fierce as a wolf, beating Xia Guangqing crazily.

Xia Guangqing was holding a cane in his hand. He limped on one leg and resisted Gu Shi's beating with one hand. His eyes showed deep impatience, and he also shouted violently in his mouth to tell Gu Shi not to beat him any more.

Noticing something strange soon, Xia Guangqing's eyes trembled slightly, and then he looked forward, taking Xia Zishang's beautiful figure into his eyes.

For a moment, Xia Guangqing suspected that something was wrong with his eyes.

Xia Zishang is back?How can this be?

However, there is no other woman in this world as beautiful as Xia Zishang. She stood there gracefully, admiring the scene of their husband and wife biting dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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