God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1947 Why do you still let the children give gifts?

Chapter 1947 Why do you still let the children give gifts?

Even if there is no blood connection, in Xia Zishang's view, Wen's family and Li Langzhong are her family members. Whether in the past or now, they are like her family members, caring about her unconditionally.

"Sister-in-law, where is my elder brother?" Xia Zishang asked curiously without seeing Li Langzhong.

As soon as Xia Zishang finished speaking, he saw Li Langzhong running out of the room in a hurry.

Li Langzhong saw Xia Zishang at a glance, and immediately raised the corners of his lips with joy, and said with a very happy smile, "Shang'er!"

"Your elder brother has been dispensing medicine in the room just now. Look, isn't he coming out?" Wen's eyes were filled with a deep smile, and he said brightly, "Hurry up and clean it up, and give it to Chang'er." They make tea."

Li Langzhong nodded with a smile, and watched the three little buns step into the gate following Xia Zishang's footsteps.

"Uncle, aunt!" While the three little buns were talking, they hurriedly moved up to Wen's, looking at the little baby in Wen's arms curiously and excitedly.

"Wow, it's my little brother!" Qingcheng said this, and took out a small silver lock from her arms with a smile, and put it around his brother's neck, "Come on, brother, this is a meeting gift from my sister .”

Qingcheng was very happy to be able to call herself a sister. Those beautiful big eyes smiled like crescent moons in the sky, and she looked as cute as she wanted.

"There is also a meeting gift from elder brother." As he spoke, Qing Mo took out a pair of silver bracelets for children, and put them on his younger brother's fleshy wrists as well.

"Second brother also prepared a meeting gift for you." After Yun Yu said this, she took out a pair of silver anklets from her arms and put them on the ankles of her little brother. Touch the little brother's soft little face.

And Hengzhi, who was obediently curled up in Wen's arms, blinked his mother's eyes, looked at his brothers and sisters with delicate features in front of him, and babbled to talk to them.

"Look, big brother and second brother, he's talking to us." Qing Cheng was fascinated by Heng Zhi's cute little appearance, and couldn't help but kiss the soft and tender cheek of the little brother.

She has always wanted a younger brother, and now she finally got her wish, which makes her so happy~!

"Auntie, does it mean that he likes us when he talks to us?" Qing Mo raised his head and looked at Wen's happily as he spoke.

"Auntie, can I touch his little hands? His little hands are so cute." Yun Yu asked expectantly.

"Of course, Hengzhi likes you three brothers and sisters very much." Wen Shi loved the three children as always, couldn't help freeing up a hand, and then stroked their little heads.

"Shang'er, here you are, why do you still ask the children to give you gifts?" Wen looked at Xia Zishang angrily, and said in a reproachful tone, "And the things you sent people to send before, every time they are sent to you, they will be sent to you." Send so much. Didn't my sister-in-law tell you? There is nothing missing at home. "

Li Langzhong's medical skills are more advanced than before, and now all the villagers in eight villages like to see him for medical treatment, so the life of their family of three is quite nourishing, and they don't have to worry about food and clothing.

"Sister-in-law, you don't need it because you don't need it. I'm not in Taoyuan Village all year round, and I can't help each other with you. I can only see some good things, so I bring them to you." Xia Zishang said as a matter of course.

(End of this chapter)

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