God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1971 Are you looking down on me?

Chapter 1971 Are you looking down on me?
Qingcheng was a little puzzled, because she was obviously watching people coming this way with her own eyes?

Unwilling to give up like this, Qingcheng looked around and found that this place is quite close to the Imperial Garden, so he simply ran towards the direction of the Imperial Garden.

Today is Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang's big wedding. Most of the palace people are resting, so Qingcheng didn't meet anyone along the way, and came to the imperial garden unimpeded.

With chubby legs, he stepped into the gate of the imperial garden, and Qingcheng saw a magnificent figure standing in the pavilion not far away.

It was a man in a silver-white robe. He had an extraordinary aura. He stood facing the wind with his back to Qingcheng. His whole body exuded a burst of coolness, like the iceberg snow lotus that was angry on the top of the snow mountain. So cold, so lonely.

Qingcheng held the bouquet and stared blankly at the man.

Gong Wuxie naturally knew that this little thing had chased him all the way, at this moment he turned his head and saw the bouquet Qingcheng was holding in his hand.

Deep puzzlement appeared in the gold and silver eyes, Gong Wuxie asked subconsciously, "What are you holding in your hand?"

Qingcheng also recognized the uncle in front of her. She shook the bouquet in her hand and said with a smile, "This is the bouquet my mother just held. My mother said that as long as Qingcheng gets this bouquet, I will be the next one to become the bride."

Seeing Qingcheng's milky voice, speaking seriously, Gong Wuxie raised the corners of her lips, and said in a casual tone, "You are so young, you have a lot of thoughts."

Qingcheng always felt that there was something wrong with what Gong Wuxie said, she pouted her pink mouth, "Are you looking down on me?"

Gong Wuxie looked at Qingcheng's awkward look, and the loneliness in his heart spread like vines. Xia Zishang appeared in his mind, thinking that the little girl in front of him was not quite like her mother. If it was Xia Zishang, she would definitely not show such an expression in front of other men.

After pursing her lips, Gong Wuxie said frankly, "No."

On the other hand, Qingcheng didn't believe Gong Wuxie's words, "Don't underestimate me, I bet you, if I accept my mother's bouquet, I will definitely become someone else's bride and marry someone else soon. "

Gong Wuxie narrowed her eyes and stared at Qingcheng, "Oh? How fast?"

Qingcheng was stopped by the question, and after a long time he said, "It's faster than you anyway..."

Seeing a slight smile on Gong Wuxie's lips, Qingcheng couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, and then simply changed the subject, "Uncle, what are you doing here? When my mother got married just now, I didn't seem to see you to you?"

"It's just passing by, I didn't intend to disturb Miss Xia." Gong Wuxie glanced at Qingcheng, and held back the words that she hadn't said.

In fact, he didn't expect that he would meet Qingcheng, and he really didn't know how this half-grown girl had such a keen intuition that she discovered his existence.

Qingcheng looked at Gong Wuxie suspiciously, "It's so strange that you didn't show up when you came here."

Gong Wuxie smiled and said nothing, why didn't he feel that he came here for no reason.

Seeing Gong Wuxie wryly smiling, Qingcheng subconsciously opened her small mouth, "I have something I want to ask you."

PS: Concubine has time to update late, concubines can come to see it early tomorrow morning, I love you, huh!
(End of this chapter)

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