God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1977 He really wants to go to a restaurant to find beauties to drink!

Chapter 1977 He really wants to go to a restaurant to find beauties to drink!

Especially the dead head looked at the beauties from the Western Regions who were watching them curiously, squinting their triangular eyes and winking wildly at them.

There are so many beauties in the Western Regions, he must seize the opportunity this time, maybe he can hook up with a great beauty who admires him, and abduct him back to be his wife!

The dead man thought happily, and brought Xia Zishang and the three of them into the inn, and then opened three rooms.

The four of them first took their luggage and went to the dead man's room together.

As soon as the door was closed, the dead head sat down on the bed, then shook his neck, "Oh, the carriage ride all the way made me so uncomfortable."

"Okay, the child hasn't made a sound yet, but you can call me." Xia Zishang said so, hugged Qingcheng and sat down on the empty seat in front of him, then looked at Qingcheng gently and asked, "Qingcheng, are you tired?" Not tired? Do you want to rest for a while?"

"Mother, I'm not tired at all. There are so many interesting things here. I like it so much." After Qingcheng said this, she stepped forward and put her arms around Xia Zishang's neck, and said with a bright smile, "Mother , thank you for taking me out to play, I am really happy!"

Immediately hugging the soft little Qingcheng into her arms, Xia Zishang said with doting eyes, "Mother will take you for a stroll tonight, you are now resting in the room for a while, waiting for mother to come back OK?"

"Okay, I will listen to my mother." Qingcheng sat down obediently, the sweet and lovely smile on the corner of her lips was really touching no matter how you looked at it.

"Old Tie Xia, are you going out again? You're so tired, you don't even intend to take a break?" The dead head couldn't get enough energy right now, it yawned a lot, and asked lazily with lowered eyes.

"Since we've all arrived in the capital, of course we have to investigate first. Since you're tired, then stay with Qingcheng in the inn, Yunluo, you go with me." Xia Zishang knew about the dead man's head. Controlling the Feiluan beast took a lot of energy, so I don't plan to force him to continue to work hard.

"Huh? Let me take care of the child?" The boss of the dead head was reluctant, and frowned deeply.

"Uncle Ni, I will be very obedient." Qingcheng immediately said obediently.

After hearing this, the dead man immediately sneered twice, "Good boy, of course Uncle Ni knows that you are obedient, but, just..."

It's just that he really wants to go to a restaurant to find beauties to drink with!

He came all the way and saw so many beauties from the Western Regions, and he was already fascinated by the hook. He couldn't wait to find a little beauty to accompany him to chat and have fun.

But if you look at Qingcheng, wouldn't it be impossible for him to go? !
"Be honest and obedient, don't let me find out what you shouldn't have in mind, otherwise, I won't forgive you." Xia Zishang took a look at the dead man's head, and knew that this man had some fancy intestines in his belly.

The dead head was aggrieved, and looked at Xia Zishang pitifully with those resentful triangular eyes, "Xia~old~tie~"

Xia Zishang narrowed her eyes fiercely, and gave the dead man a warning look.

The dead head felt that he was suffering from ordinary fate, and he didn't dare to show it no matter how much he thought, so he could only shut his mouth honestly, stared at Xia Zishang resentfully, and expressed his inner dissatisfaction with his eyes .

Xia Zishang ignored its gaze, turned her gaze to Qingcheng, and then regained her tenderness, "Qingcheng is good, mother will be back soon."

(End of this chapter)

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