God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2003 Mother-in-law Brought You a New Sister Today

Chapter 2003 Mother-in-law Brought You A New Sister Today
Seeing this mother-in-law's yearning expression when she mentioned Yue Lianxue, Yunluo was very disdainful.

But Yunluo didn't show the sarcasm in her heart on her face, she already had a pleasing baby face, and there was still baby fat on her face, so when she smiled, she was cute and delicate, "Thank you mother-in-law Instructions, in order to meet the Holy Maiden as soon as possible, I will definitely work hard to practice!"

There was nothing wrong with Yunluo's words, but as soon as she finished speaking, she saw the smiling eyes of the mother-in-law, and a cold light flashed.

There was sarcasm hidden in that cold light, as if what Yunluo said was so ridiculous.

However, before Yunluo had time to observe carefully, the cold light in the mother-in-law's eyes disappeared completely, and then said to her with a smile, "Okay, it's been a lot of time, let's move on. "

Yunluo also nodded with a smile, but secretly noticed in her heart, followed her mother-in-law's pace, passed the gate of the temple unimpeded, and was led to a small and elegant courtyard.

Yunluo followed behind the mother-in-law, glanced out of the corner of her eye, and saw the two words pasted on the courtyard door.

Class A.

Yunluo secretly paid attention, her face remained calm.

After following her mother-in-law, she stepped into the moon arch in the courtyard, and Yunluo heard the laughter of the girls.

Looking around, there are birds singing and flowers fragrant in the courtyard. More than a dozen girls gathered here, chatting and laughing happily, their eyebrows and eyes are full of tenderness, and one can tell at a glance that their daily life must be comfortable and comfortable.

"Girls, my mother-in-law brought you a new younger sister today." The mother-in-law looked at those girls lovingly, as if these girls were her children.

After the girls heard the words, they all put down what they were doing, and then Yingying and Yanyan rushed over together.

Looking around, these girls are all born beautiful, and their temperament is pure, like a piece of white paper, all clean.

Not only that, these girls are also very enthusiastic.

"Oh my God, sister, how old are you? You look really good-looking." One of the girls sighed.

Immediately afterwards, another girl nodded in agreement, "Isn't it? And the strength seems to be slightly stronger than ours. It's amazing to be able to do this at such a young age!"

"Don't be so noisy, what if you scare the little sister?" One of the women with a butterfly hair ornament on her head came forward. She was tall and slender and looked a little more mature than the other girls. , should be the leader among the girls, at this time she held Yunluo's hand with a smile, and said softly, "Sister, my name is Roudie, this year, I am the oldest in this yard, you are a newcomer, Just stay in a room with me first, the sisters here are all good people, you don't have to be afraid."

A group of beautiful girls with gentle expressions stood in front of them, all of them spoke softly and smiled lightly, and they really didn't seem to have any evil intentions.

Yunluo was thinking about her own thoughts in her heart, but her face was impeccable, she lowered her head shyly, "Thank you, Sister Roudie."

Everyone looked at Yunluo's flushed little face, and couldn't help but praise again.

The mother-in-law also stood kindly and watched this scene all the time, she seemed very satisfied, and said with a smile, "In that case, Roudie, you will take care of Yunluo."

"Yes, mother-in-law don't worry." Roudie obediently agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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