God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2007 Encountered some strange things

Chapter 2007 Encountered some strange things
Yunluo naturally didn't go, she had other plans at this time, "I'm already very tired today, I want to rest early. Sister Roudie, you go, I will start to meditate first."

"Okay, then you can start first." Roudie was afraid that Yunluo would be a novice and would not know how to practice, so she taught Yunluo how to meditate.

After hearing what Roudie said, Yunluo knew that what Roudie said was not a way to cultivate luck at all, their so-called meditation was just sitting cross-legged, quietly absorbing the power of the fruit and elixir they just ate, Rather than real cultivation.

Seeing through but not saying anything, Yunluo nodded obediently to show that she understood, then watched Roudie leave the room.

Roudie greeted the other girls to take a bath in the fragrant soup. The girls laughed and discussed how sweet the consonance fruit they ate tonight, and how happy their lives were.

It wasn't until she heard the voices of the girls gradually fade away that Yunluo got off the bed quietly, locked the door, took out the message stone hidden in the sleeve cage, and contacted Xia Zishang.

Only then did Yunluo pour spiritual power into the communication stone to contact Xia Zishang, and Xia Zishang's voice came from the other end of the communication stone.

"Yunluo, what's the situation? Are you still safe?" Xia Zishang's soft and concerned voice came from the communication stone.

Yunluo lowered her voice and reported, "Madam, the servant is not in any danger, but encountered some strange things."

Xia Zishang: "Tell me and listen."

Yunluo carefully told Xia Zishang all the things she encountered today.

Xia Zishang on the other side of the communication stone couldn't help laughing, "According to what you said, those girls' physiques are very average, and they don't even know how to practice. In this case, even if the temple tries to improve the purity of their aura, it will be in vain. Strength, they don't know how to cultivate, no matter how pure the spiritual energy in the body is improved, it will eventually dissipate."

"Yeah, this is the most strange thing for this servant girl. You said, these girls don't know how to practice, but the people in the temple still give them such precious fruits and elixirs. Isn't that enough to feed them? "Yunluo frowned.

The power of the spirit fruit and the elixir is absorbed by the girls, and it will not really improve their strength. It will only make their aura more and purer, but as time goes by, it will not be retained in the end.

Therefore, Yunluo couldn't figure out from the bottom of her heart, what is the significance of the actions of these people in the temple?
"Don't worry, the temple will never be full to support a bunch of idlers, you continue to investigate first, don't startle the snake, understand?" Xia Zishang warned worriedly.

"Madam, don't worry, this servant knows the importance." After Yunluo said this, she hurriedly bid farewell to Xia Zishang, "Madam, let's stop here first, so that the girls won't be discovered when they come back."

Here, Xia Zishang is in the new inn.

In the room, Xia Zishang was sitting on a soft bed, with a cup of clear tea on the tea table beside her.

Holding the slightly hot communication stone in his hand, Xia Zishang hummed, "Okay, let's go."

After the voice fell, the call with Yunluo ended.

Beside Xia Zishang, Qingcheng had been leaning on her obediently all the time. Seeing that her mother had put away the messenger stone, she finally raised her head and asked in a sweet and soft voice, "Mother, is it Yun?" Aunt Luo?"

"Yeah, your Aunt Yunluo has worked so hard to sneak into the temple alone, and mother is worried about her safety." Xia Zishang said so, the light in the dark phoenix eyes intertwined, and then swept around the room, "Where did your Uncle Ni go?"

(End of this chapter)

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