God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2018 Dumbfounded

Chapter 2018 Dumbfounded
After Yunluo heard this, her eyes trembled slightly, and then she took a closer look, only to find that half of Yue Lianxue's face was covered with an ice-blue mask, and some burns could be vaguely seen on the flesh covered by the mask. .

Naturally remembering that Yue Lianxue's face was burned by His Majesty and Bai Jiushu, Yunluo thought to herself that the tonics mentioned by the three master and servant should have something to do with Yue Lianxue's restoration of appearance.

Yunluo kept watching with her waist down, and she found that Yue Lianxue was gradually absorbing the red liquid in the spring water, and every time she absorbed a little, her skin would become rosy and shiny at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Until the end, Yue Lianxue completely absorbed the red color in the pool water into her body, and the water in the pool became transparent again, then Peony and Shaoyao picked up the flower petals prepared in advance, sprinkled them into the pool water, and served them further Yue Lianxue takes a bath.

Yunluo waited patiently for a while, but she still couldn't wait for Roudie or other girls.

It's strange to say that although she was delayed for a while, she didn't delay for a long time. In such a short time, Rou Die won't disappear?
But the invisibility talisman is about to expire, Yunluo can't put herself in danger and stay here.

After confirming that the master and servant did not intend to continue chatting, Yunluo quietly hid her breath and left the apse.

Before Yunluo stepped out of the Holy Maiden's Hall, she did not forget to stuff a tracking charm into the cushion under an inconspicuous small tea table in the Holy Maiden's Hall.

In this way, when she comes to the Saintess Hall next time, the blindfolds around the Saintess Hall will not be able to help her.

After doing all this, Yunluo sneaked out of the Saintess Hall.

When leaving the Saintess Hall, Yunluo was relieved, as if the mountain on her back had been removed, and she let out a long breath.

Quickly and quietly returned to the first-class courtyard, Yunluo looked around and found that there was nothing unusual, then headed towards her room.

Yunluo's room was pitch black, she slipped open a door and entered the door, then put away the dummy on the bed, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as she was about to change out of her night clothes, Yunluo never expected that a figure would appear outside her door without warning, and then push open the door all at once.

Yunluo was shocked.

She hasn't had time to change her clothes yet!
Yunluo suddenly felt her scalp go numb, and her brain started to work quickly, thinking about possible solutions.

And here, Chen Qiaoxing had already lit up a paper lantern, and walked into the room with a smile, "Sister Yunluo, you can really sleep, and you only wake up now. Come on, I brought you dinner, eat quickly. "

However, before Chen Qiaoxing came here and remembered to look up at Yunluo, Yunluo had already raised the tea on the table and splashed it on her face.


A tea bowl of cold tea was splashed on Chen Qiaoxing's face suddenly, and the finely broken tea in it fell into Chen Qiaoxing's eyes, causing her to groan, and hastily raised her hand to wipe her face, "Ah Sister Yunluo, what are you doing!"

As she said that, Chen Qiaoxing opened her eyes tearfully, but she couldn't see clearly. She could only vaguely see Yunluo, who seemed to be a frightened rabbit, and rushed to the bed.

Chen Qiaoxing's screams attracted other girls from the first-class hospital. Everyone was worried about something and flocked to her. As a result, when they opened the door, they were all dumbfounded when they saw the scene in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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