Chapter 2020

"What?!" Yunluo yelled in surprise, and then realized that her voice was too loud, and quickly lowered her voice, "Ma'am, what's going on?"

Ma'am, aren't they being hunted down by the mayor's wife?Why did you go to the city lord's mansion in a good way?

"That Mrs. Gao has been trying her best to find our whereabouts. If we can't solve her secretly, it will only cause more trouble. And as the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place. We Hiding here, no matter how hard Mr. Gao tries, we won't be able to catch us." Xia Zishang chuckled lightly, her tone casual, "You don't need to care about our affairs, I have my own countermeasures."

Yunluo has always believed in Madam's strength unconditionally, now she hummed and agreed, "Yes! I understand."

After speaking, Yunluo ended the conversation with Xia Zishang.

Here, in the city lord's mansion.

In the backyard, in a room in the small courtyard where the maid lives.

Xia Zishang was dressed in the clothes worn by a maid, and sat on the couch with a calm expression.

The small room was dark, only a kerosene lamp was lit on the table, and the light of the fire flickered in the air, slightly illuminating Xia Zishang's plain face after undergoing a disguise.

Xia Zishang's current appearance looked extremely ordinary, and she belonged to the type that was not conspicuous among the transferred crowd.

However, even though her appearance is ordinary, her clear phoenix eyes are still bright and bright, black and white are distinct, revealing a palpitating color.

Sitting on the bed, Xia Zishang drank the tea in the cup.

The people who sneaked into the city lord's mansion this time, besides her, were dead heads.

And Qingcheng was handed over to Xiaoyinzi to take care of them. Xia Zishang asked them to stay in an inn in the city temporarily. Qingcheng still pretended to be a boy and acted as a pair of siblings with Xiaoyinzi, so it was not easy to arouse others' suspicion.

Xia Zishang didn't intend to do anything directly, but was thinking about how to get rid of Gao Shi and that obtrusive Gao Yunshan quietly.

Again, if they just want the lives of Gao and her younger brother, there is no need to go to great lengths to sneak into the city lord's mansion.

The reason why Xia Zishang worked so hard was to solve Gao Shi and Gao Yunshan quietly.

It would be best to be able to kill people with a knife and use other people's hands to deal with these two people.

However, to put it simply, the Gao family is the wife of the city lord after all, her position is based on this, and the only person in the capital who can suppress her is the city lord Qiu Yaoming, apart from the royal family.

I don't know much about this Qiu Yaoming. Xia Zishang has only heard of it. This man is not simple. When he was young, his family was poor and poor. It was only by relying on his own intelligence that he climbed to his current position step by step. He was an official in the past. Honest and honest, deeply loved by the people.

"How can such a person tolerate a flamboyant woman like Gao, and let her try her best to embarrass him?" Xia Zishang couldn't figure it out.

But Xia Zishang didn't think too much, but looked away lightly, took off her shoes and socks, raised her hand and blew out the oil lamp.

Qiu Yaoming will return to the mansion tomorrow, it's useless to think about it now, it's better to wait until after meeting Qiu Yaoming tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Xia Zishang groped in the dark, lay down on the couch, closed his eyes and wanted to sleep.

However, before Xia Zishang fell asleep, the ring she wore on her left ring finger suddenly felt warm.

Such gentle warmth, like a warm current, quietly nourished Xia Zishang's heart, causing her, who had already closed her eyes, to burst into a flowery smile at the corners of her lips, listening to the words in her mind. Xuanyuan Yelan's voice came.

(End of this chapter)

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