God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2024 Did he find out?

Chapter 2024 Did he find out?

Xia Zishang stood outside the window, listening calmly to the quarrel between the two in the room.

Qiu Yaoming didn't care about Gao's words. He took his chopsticks and ate his food expressionlessly, "I have already said what I should say today. This is the last time I will warn you. The members of the Gao family have nothing to do with me, Qiu Yaoming! I will not help your Gao family deal with any problems anymore, you'd better keep this in mind for me!"

Gao Shi had never seen Qiu Yaoming like this.

Although Qiu Yaoming was a little cold on weekdays, he treated her with respect and respect, and never talked to her in this manner.

Gao Yunshan always gets into trouble on weekdays, Qiu Yaoming always turns a blind eye, and never gets on the line.

Thinking of Qiu Yaoming's indifferent attitude towards his son just now, a bad guess suddenly appeared in Gao's heart.

Could it be that he knew?
Immediately, Gao's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly denied what he was thinking.

No, it can't be!

Convinced that what she did back then was flawless, Gao did not believe that Qiu Yaoming would discover Qiu Cheng's true identity.

So, in order to prove that her guess was correct, she covered her mouth and began to cry loudly, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L L K L L L L I S I ARE YOUR WIFE? , Our son still has the blood of my Gao family. Back then, in order to help you give birth to this son, I almost lost my life due to dystocia and hemorrhage. Have you forgotten this? I gave birth to the only heir for you , how could you treat me like this, you are too cruel!"

As long as Gao Shi said this in the past, Qiu Yaoming would follow Gao Shi even for the sake of the child.

But this time, Qiu Yaoming didn't give in like in the past, but stared at her coldly with eyes that could almost see through Gao Shi.

For some unknown reason, an extremely bad premonition suddenly appeared in Gao's heart.

"The son who risked his life for me?" Qiu Yaoming smiled softly, he put down the chopsticks in his hand, and stood up from his seat unhurriedly, "Gao Shi, you touch your own conscience, you Say it again."

Gao's feet were so frightened that he almost fell limp on the ground.

What is this nonsense?Did he find out? !

Gao was frightened out of his wits, but his face was full of pain, and tears of grievance flowed from his eyes, "Master, what are you talking about? Have you forgotten? Cheng'er is your child! Child, how much thought did you spend? How can you mock me with this attitude without any regard for my hard work!"

"You really took great pains to get this child back then. Because you know very well that if it wasn't for Cheng'er, I would never have married you." Qiu Yaoming's eyes slowly turned to the distance. He said indifferently, "I'm full, Madam, take it easy."

"Wait a minute, master..." Without saying a word, Gao watched Qiu Yaoming stride away from the dining room.

In Gao's mind, what Qiu Yaoming said just now rang over and over again.

"No wonder he didn't pick up Cheng'er as usual. Did he discover something? No, it's impossible, I'm obviously doing it well, so Qiu Yaoming can't find it out..." Gao Shi was confused and murmured mumbling to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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