God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2032 This is my retribution

Chapter 2032 This is my retribution

Seeing this scene, Gao sneered.

However, Qiu Yaoming's consciousness at this time finally became clearer. He saw that Gao Shi did not move, and he couldn't help feeling strange, "Yue'er, why don't you drink?"

Seeing the confused look on Qiu Yaoming's face, Mrs. Gao suddenly felt a bit of pleasure in her heart.

Seeing Gao Shi sneering constantly, with murderous intent rolling in his eyes, he smashed the wine glass on the ground heavily, "This wine is poisonous, of course I won't drink it."

Gao's tone was very light, with a hint of revenge.

Qiu Yaoming didn't expect Gao Shi to say such words, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then he felt a burst of fishy sweetness, which rolled out of his throat uncontrollably.

"Pfft!" With a large amount of blood spilling out of his mouth, Qiu Yaoming's body trembled, and then he fell heavily on the ground with unsteady steps.

The severe pain from the internal organs made Qiu Yaoming's vision finally clear, and he finally saw clearly who the woman standing in front of him was at this very moment!

Under the moonlight, Gao Shi watched him condescendingly, his eyes were full of sternness, and his face was full of resentment.

It was only then that Qiu Yaoming realized that he had identified the wrong person. He coughed in pain, glared at Gao Shi angrily, and asked forcefully, "What did you do to me?!"

"Of course it was poisoned, master, this is a gift I specially prepared for you, do you still like it?" Gao Shi showed a villainous face at this time, she smiled half-smile, madness appeared in her eyes, " Master, you can rest assured that no one will find out that you were poisoned and died. After you die, I will let my son succeed you..."

Qiu Yaoming couldn't say a word anymore, his heart and lungs seemed to be blocked, and the strong dull pain made him unable to stay awake, only the colic in his mind was constantly reminding him of what happened at this time It's all true.

Seeing Gao Shi turn around and leave after saying this, Qiu Yaoming knew very well that this vicious woman wanted to keep him and let him destroy himself.

He didn't expect that Gao Shi would pretend to be Chun Jingyue to approach him, and Qiu Yaoming realized that he was careless.

After realizing this, Qiu Yaoming was not sad, he just slightly raised the corners of his lips, his smile seemed so careless, revealing a little teasing.

"Back then I was sorry for Yue'er, maybe this is my retribution." After Qiu Yaoming finished speaking in anger, he rolled his eyes, and his consciousness fell into deep darkness.

Qiu Yaoming thought that he was doomed, and when he fell into the darkness, he seemed to vaguely see the woman he was thinking of and loved.

And there was a sound of footsteps, gradually approaching him.

In a daze, Qiu Yaoming opened his eyes and looked at the woman who appeared in front of him at this moment.

Under the moonlight, a woman in a purple dress floated like a fairy on a moonlit night.

Even though his vision was blurred and he couldn't see the face of the woman in front of him clearly, but from the woman's cold phoenix eyes, it was not difficult to see that this woman was a great beauty who could overwhelm the country and the city.

Looking at the woman suspiciously, Qiu Yaoming's voice was unprecedentedly weak, "Help, save me..."

"If you want me to save you, you must be loyal to me. If you can do it, I will help you take back everything that belongs to you." Xia Zishang's voice seemed to have the power to deceive people's hearts, and it sounded faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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