God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2129 Volunteer to donate flesh and blood

Chapter 2129 Volunteer to donate flesh and blood

"What is this?" If Lian Zhong had ever seen clear soup hot pot, then the crayfish in front of him was something he had never seen before.

Seeing Lian Zhong looking at him curiously, Xia Zishang smiled slightly and explained to him, "This is spicy crayfish, my specialty, I guarantee you can't eat it anywhere else."

Isn't Lianzhong not available in other places? He watched with great interest as Xia Zishang began to teach her how to shell crayfish.

Lian Zhong looked at Xia Zishang's movements, and felt that this crayfish was really a magical thing.

Seeing that such a big crayfish has only a little bit left after removing the head and shell, he looks forward to its taste even more.

After dipping the bright white crayfish meat with bright red stripes in the spicy soup, Xia Zishang sent the crayfish meat to the empty plate in front of Lian Zhong.

Lian Zhong couldn't wait to taste it, and he clearly felt the unique taste of crayfish rippling on his taste buds. It was so delicious that he wanted to swallow it with his tongue.

After that, Lian Zhong didn't even have a chance to speak, and started to eat earnestly in a hurry.

This spicy hot pot is paired with spicy crayfish, Lianzhong's little life is simply not too beautiful, and the food is even more delicious.

He didn't plan to have supper with Lian Zhong, Xia Zishang came to Lian Zhong tonight, but it was only for tomorrow night's plan.

Now that the goal has been achieved, Xia Zishang stood up and said with a smile, "You eat slowly here, I will go back first, I still have a lot of things to do tomorrow."

It is not difficult for Lian Zhong to imagine how busy Xia Zishang will be tomorrow, so he nodded without objecting.

Seeing Xia Zishang strode away, Lian finally looked back only after her back disappeared from his vision.

Lian Zhong was the only one left in the huge kitchen. He sat in his seat. For some reason, after Xia Zishang left, even the delicious hot pot and crayfish became tasteless. Neng put down his chopsticks with a lack of interest.

In the early morning of the second day, when the morning light first came out, a group of people were already knelt down around the temple.

Most of the people wore white clothes representing holiness, and they knelt devoutly in front of the temple.

Many people came to kneel in front of the temple in the middle of the night. Looking at the incomparably holy temple in front of them, the people felt that their hearts seemed to have been purified, and there was a boundless gleam in their eyes. adoration and awe.

"How long are we going to kneel here?" A voice of inquiry suddenly came from among the people.

The voice appeared extremely suddenly, with a hint of impatience in it, which immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the surrounding people.

"Naturally, I have to kneel until the hall master and the saintess come out together. After night falls, the two adults will show up and bless us. By the way, I heard that this time the temple has been blessed by the black dragon. The greatness and obedience of the lord, willingly donating flesh and blood, tonight the hall master will become one with the black dragon..." In the crowd, one person said with great admiration.

The words stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and all the people present were incomparably sighed.

"As expected of the Lord Hall Master, you can actually convince the proud Dragon Clan!" Another person in the crowd said adoringly.

As soon as these words came out, someone immediately echoed, "That's natural, how powerful the Lord is! Haha, with the blessing of the black dragon's dragon power, the strength of the Hall Master will definitely be improved to a higher level."

(End of this chapter)

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