God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2131 1 Everything is under my control

Chapter 2131 Everything is under my control
"Don't bother, my subordinates are already here." As soon as Yue Lianxue finished speaking, Xia Zishang strode in with a powder box in her hand.

Seeing Xia Zishang enter the door, Shaoyao felt pity in her heart, but she said hypocritically, "Sister Jinluo, you came back just in time, and the Holy Maiden is about to send someone out to find you."

"My lord saint, my subordinates were busy checking the situation of the black dragon just now, so I came a little late." Xia Zishang smiled, and the smile covered the cold light that flashed in her eyes.

Just now she thought of a way to get Yunyan into the beast court, and now Yunyan is setting up in the beast court, and when Xiao Hei should appear, it should show up directly.

Yue Lianxue was also concerned about this matter. After hearing the words, the displeased expression on her face subsided a little, and she asked, "How is the current situation of the black dragon? Has the poison on his body been unraveled?"

The dragon clan has a terrifying self-healing ability, Yue Lianxue has been worried that the black dragon will break the poison of the poison these two days, and suddenly break free from the shackles, then the trouble will be big.

"Saint, don't worry, everything is under my control." There is nothing wrong with Xia Zishang's words.

The matter is indeed under her control, not only the toxin on Xiao Hei's body has been released, even its wound has healed most of it, isn't it just under her control?
"That's good." Yue Lianxue didn't think much about it, she looked at herself in the mirror, and said unhappily, "Oh, I really don't know why the Palace Master chooses to hold the event at night."

Usually during the day and noon, the activities of offering sacrifices to heaven are held, so that at night, Yue Lianxue can see Lianzhong again and serve Lianzhong for dinner.

But this year was lucky, the chance to meet was reduced to one time, which made Yue Lianxue feel it was a pity.

"Saint, there is no need to be sad. As long as the hall master sees the dedication of the saint, he will definitely praise you." After saying this, Xia Zishang quickly stepped forward, stood in front of Yue Lianxue, opened the box, Holding the jar of 'good stuff' powder, he sprinkled the powder on her face bit by bit.

Letting Xia Zishang move without any doubt, Yue Lianxue only felt that when the powder fell on her face, there was a burst of coolness, which made her spirit uplifted.

However, the cooling sensation is fleeting, followed by an intense burning sensation!
"Ah...!" Subconsciously opened her throat and let out a scream, Yue Lianxue felt as if her face had been scorched, and there was a burst of excruciating pain, which made her squirm all over immediately cold sweat.

"Saint, what's the matter?" Xia Zishang asked pretendingly concerned, hiding the sneer that flashed across her phoenix eyes.

Yue Lianxue quickly stretched out her hand to touch her face when she heard the words, but she didn't find anything unusual.

What's happening here?
The burning sensation just now was fleeting, and it disappeared immediately. There was no discomfort on her face, and the face reflected in the mirror became clearer and more pleasant because of the powder on her face. The scar has also been completely hidden.

Surprised in her heart, Yue Lianxue almost wondered if she had an illusion.

However, the stinging pain that seemed to be baked by the flame was so real, Yue Lianxue couldn't help frowning, and finally looked at the sky outside the window.

"It's getting late, hurry up and help me put on the jewelry and get ready to go out." Nothing wrong with waiting, Yue Lianxue hurriedly urged everyone for fear of being late, without noticing the sneer on Xia Zishang's lips.

(End of this chapter)

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