God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2134 Everything is made by Jin Luo

Chapter 2134 Everything is done by Jin Luo

On the mirror, by the pool, a young girl was choking up and crying bitterly. Her tears kept rolling down like beads with broken strings. Beside her, Shaoyao and Peony were expressionless, bowing left and right, dying together. He firmly suppressed her shoulders, leaving no room for her to struggle.

Quietly watching the girl in front of her, Yue Lianxue in the pool spoke very lightly, she smiled, "Routie, didn't you say that? You are willing to sacrifice your life for this deity. If so, let your Dedicate your blood to this deity, this is your greatest loyalty to this deity."

Yue Lianxue's tone was very light, it sounded careless, but it was creepy.

The girl on the mirror is Roudie, her usual gentle expression was completely replaced by panic, she kept shaking her head in fear, crying, "No, no, that's not what I mean, I'm willing to dedicate myself, but I don't want to Death, I don't want...! I beg you, my lord, I must have other uses, please give this servant another chance!"

"With your level of strength, you don't even have the qualifications to carry the shoes of this deity." Yue Lianxue said the piercing words with a smile, staring at Rou Die, and paused every word, "The only purpose of your life is to It is your destiny to provide blood for this deity."

After saying this, Yue Lianxue in the mirror stretched out her white and soft jade hand, pinched Roudie's head, and pressed hard with five fingers.

"No, don't—!" No matter how painfully Roudie screamed, her head was crushed by Yue Lianxue like a balloon.

The image in the mirror was instantly blurred with blood and flesh, and the people below were terrified by this scene and screamed.

"Don't let me stop!" Yue Lianxue's face became extremely ugly, she scolded angrily, and she touched the ground under her feet, and she looked like a wolf, and went towards the Nuwa mirror in the sky!

However, only after Yue Lianxue activated the spiritual power in her body did she suddenly feel a burning pain on her face!

"Yeah!" The scream pierced the sky, Yue Lianxue's face seemed to be being roasted by the flames, she fell to the ground in pain, screaming non-stop.

The intense pain came so suddenly, Yue Lianxue fell to the ground in pain and struggled continuously, almost felt that her face was about to be torn apart abruptly, and the strong dull pain kept attacking her nerves.

pain!This kind of pain was unbearable, like the flames were constantly scorching her face, the pain was so painful that she couldn't stand, and she could even clearly feel that her face was gradually melting.

"My face, what's wrong with my face?" Yue Lianxue asked hysterically as she grabbed the peony and peony in front of her eyes.

Both Shaoyao and Mudan were frightened by Yue Lianxue's ferocious expression. They looked at Yue Lianxue's face, and they were all too frightened to make a sound.

I saw that Yue Lianxue's face was like ice cubes melted by the flames, and the skin peeled off her face bit by bit, revealing the bright red flesh and blood.

Yue Lianxue's life would be better than death, she suddenly smelled a special fragrance, which was exactly the same as the fragrance powder that Xia Zishang gave her just now!
As if struck by lightning for a moment, Yue Lianxue figured out everything in an instant.

It's Jin Luo, everything is made by Jin Luo!
Just when Yue Lianxue was about to be driven mad by the excruciating pain, Roudie's screams were still coming from above her head.

All the blood in Roudie's body in the mirror was forced out, and even the corpse was destroyed lightly by Yue Lianxue.

(End of this chapter)

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