God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2139 I want to send Xia Zishang back to the west with one trick

Chapter 2139 I want to send Xia Zishang back to the west
The lavender figure appeared in front of Yue Lianxue like a dream, so lazy, as if everything in front of her had nothing to do with her, the long hair behind Xia Zishang and the skirt on her body fluttered in the wind, The whole person is like a painting, aloof, admiring Yue Lianxue's miserable appearance at the moment.

The moment she saw Xia Zishang, Yue Lianxue understood everything as if struck by lightning.

"Xia Zishang! This deity wants your life!" A pair of blue eyes almost spurted blood, and Yue Lianxue's figure flashed out from the spot, the terrifying speed was frightening, and she went straight to Xia with an iron fan in her hand. Go away in purple clothes!

Xia Zishang stood indifferently on the spot, she smiled but not a smile, like watching a jumping clown, quietly watching Yue Lianxue's movements, and then with a twitch of her mind, the Glazed Silver Sword appeared in her hand, striking heavily against that Against Iron Fan!

The sound of gold and iron colliding was particularly crisp, and the biting cold mist rolled rapidly in the air, and it was about to be sucked into Xia Zishang's body as he breathed.

Xia Zishang was always on guard against the cold fog. At this time, she slowly watched the hysterical Yuelianxue, and said angrily, "Yuelianxue, don't say that this festered face is really suitable for you. .”

"You're looking for death?!" Yue Lianxue was furious, her face was in pain, but she couldn't care less about it anymore, she just wanted to kill Xia Zishang, this damn bitch to avenge herself!

Xia Zishang faced that enchanting face, as if Yue Lianxue would not let go of her anger, she chuckled, "You want to kill me just because you, an ugly monster that I play around with, are you? Heh, that's a joke."

Every word Xia Zishang uttered, every word seemed to be stabbed in Yue Lianxue's heart like a knife blade, almost driving her to death.

No matter what, she couldn't forgive Xia Zishang, Yue Lianxue freed up a hand, and with a twirling iron fan in that hand, she came towards Xia Zishang sideways!

This move is merciless, obviously he wants to send Xia Zishang back to the west with one move!

Knowing clearly how terrifying the strength of the woman in front of her was, Xia Zishang turned her feet and stepped back to distance herself from Yuelianxue. Passing by, the cold light flashed quickly in the air, and the strong wind tore off her dress, revealing her slender waist.

Moving so fast and fiercely, Yue Lianxue had lost her mind and continued to attack Xia Zishang.

"Mother!" Yunluo looked at Yue Lianxue with a ferocious expression like a wild dog going mad, her heart rose to her throat, she was extremely worried about Xia Zishang's safety.

Xia Zishang stepped back quickly, and at the same time flicking away Yue Lianxue's attack, she casually put on the lavender veil hanging over her ears, revealing only those strange phoenix eyes, and continued to fight with Yue Lianxue.

The people originally wanted to crusade against Yue Lianxue, but they didn't expect Yue Lianxue to be so fast, and rushed out to fight with others.

"Who is that girl in the purple dress?" Someone among the people asked in astonishment.

"Who else could it be? She is the one who helped you! It was she who lurked in the temple and discovered the murder of the girls. It was she who gathered the remnant souls so that these dead girls could leave the temple and their families. The last reunion!" At this time, the man's voice suddenly sounded, so excited that everyone present couldn't help turning their heads excitedly, and looked at the man who spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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