God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2154 I thought the dragon clan was quite domineering

Chapter 2154 I thought the dragon clan was quite domineering

"I thought the Dragon Clan was very domineering, but now it seems like that." Xiaowanzi hugged Qingcheng, peeked at Long Shitian, lowered her voice and said to the dead head floating beside her.

"The dragon clan is domineering, but it depends on who it is facing. Think about it for yourself, how many people in the world are opponents of this couple?" Dead Head said seriously.

After thinking about it for a while, Xiaowanzi felt that it made sense, and the pace of her feet quickened a little.

"Father, mother!" Qingcheng became excited the moment she saw her parents, and quickly jumped down from Xiaowanzi's arms, and then ran to her parents with joy on her small thick legs, hugging her. caught their thighs.

The moment the husband and wife saw Qingcheng, their eyes softened at the same time, and then the husband and wife bent down at the same time and hugged Qingcheng from the ground.

"Strange, why didn't the people from the temple chase after them?" Jingli was floating in the air, and it had been observing the surrounding environment, but it didn't find anyone chasing them.

Logically speaking, since they made such a big commotion on the site of the temple, it would not be an exaggeration for Lian Zhong to kill them all, but who would have thought that the other party would not make any noise at all.

"Lian Zhong has a weird personality, let's not underestimate the enemy, let's leave the capital first." Xia Zishang recalled the last look Lian Zhong looked at her, and said to everyone.

The City Lord's Mansion must not be able to go. Qiu Yaoming has already helped them a lot. If they go to the City Lord's Mansion and are discovered by the Holy Temple, the lives of the people in the City Lord's Mansion may not be saved.

"The people from the Canglang clan are here." Jingli said after looking around quietly while her figure was suspended in mid-air.

As soon as Jingli finished speaking, everyone watched the excited Langya rushing towards him with the members of the Canglang tribe.

The clansmen seemed quite excited, obviously the scene just now had brought them great shock, and at this moment they looked at Xia Zishang and his group with admiration written all over their eyes.

"Master Xuanyuan, Miss Xia!" Langya's dark face was blushing with excitement, and she sighed as she watched the two of them, "You two are really amazing! Thanks to you, I finally let the Canglang clan out! With a breath of evil, we have the opportunity to trample their temple under our feet!"

"That's right, we have swallowed our anger for more than 20 years, and finally found a chance to take revenge!"

"It's all due to the two of you, thank you so much!"

"Now the temple has lost the hearts of the people. Our Canglang clan defended the people just now, and gained the favor of the people. Maybe we will be able to move back to the king's capital soon!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone in the Blue Wolf Clan showed deep longing.

Those present were all young and strong members of the Canglang clan. Although they were used to making a living in the oasis of the desert, in fact, like their parents, they all longed to return to the capital and live a normal life. .

Hearing this, Langya's face suddenly turned cold, "Don't think about it. Although the temple was severely damaged this time, their core figures were not seriously damaged, especially the hall master. I just looked at it from a distance, and the The strength of the hall master is extraordinary. Our Canglang tribe showed up today. According to the usual behavior of the temple, we will definitely not let us go, so we still have to fight them to the end. Before the temple is completely overthrown, None of us can relax."

(End of this chapter)

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