God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2165 The Evil Soul

Chapter 2165 The Evil Soul

Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan stood at the door, and when they saw that the dead head was fine, they let go of the heart that was hanging in their throats, then looked at the dead head, and said helplessly, "When is it any longer? Want to sleep? Let me tell you, if we hadn't noticed the breath coming in time, you would have been killed by that ghost just now!"

Xia Zishang also had lingering fears when she said this.

During the battle against the Temple yesterday, they were all unbelievably tired, so they all slept more deeply than usual. In addition, the breath of the soul just now was a bit unusual, and even the two of them almost failed to notice it.

The dead head has been too tired for the past two days. He fell into a deep sleep when he lay down just now, so he didn't notice it. Now after being reminded by Xia Zishang, he really found some yin in the air, " Really, but where does this good soul come from?"

"Let's ask the chief of the Langya tribe." Xuanyuan Yelan had just finished speaking, and the movement on their side had already attracted the members of the Canglang tribe in the nearby tree house.

Because everyone is a distinguished guest, the tree house where they live is surrounded by powerful clansmen. Langya also lives not far away, and they have already rushed over at this time.

"Why don't you guys sleep? But we didn't take good care of them. What are you not used to living there?" Lang Ya was wearing a nightgown, and he was standing under the tree of the tree house where they lived, looking up He looked at them with his head, and his face still had the look of exhaustion after being woken up.

"Patriarch Langya, why didn't I hear you mentioning that there are still souls of dead people in your clan?" Xia Zishang saw the puzzled expression on Langya's face, and told the series of things that happened just now. Give it to Langya.

Langya was puzzled at first, then surprised, and finally opened her eyes wide, "There is such a thing?"

"The soul was able to sneak into my room without any breath, and it didn't attract my attention. It shows that it is definitely not an ordinary soul. And it came to harass us on the first night we came here, which shows that it has no good intentions. You shouldn't have been unaware of such a soul before." The dead head reminded, "Hasn't there been any strange things in your clan recently?"

"Strange things?" After listening to the question of the dead head, Lang Ya said after a moment of silence, "If you say that, there really are."

There was condensation in Lang Ya's eyes, and he said seriously, "When a child in our clan was feeding the koi in our pool, he suddenly fell into the water for no reason and almost lost his life. After the child was rescued from the water, he cried and said that someone pushed him, but it is impossible for people in our clan to do such a thing.”

"I remembered what the patriarch said. Before we went hunting, we accidentally picked up a dead wild lizard. We thought that after charcoal grilling the next day, we would have a good meal for everyone in the clan. Who knew the next day? Seeing that the lizard was smeared with the juice of perishable fruit, it rotted overnight, and we missed a delicious meal."

"Brother, brother, there is actually one thing I haven't told you..." Hong Miaoren came out at this moment, her cute baby face was full of anxiety, and then she blinked and said, "Actually, I About half a month ago, I saw that evil spirit."

(End of this chapter)

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