God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2168 You still have 2 sons, right?

Chapter 2168 You still have two sons, right?
Xia Zishang nodded in agreement, and then everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

Time flies, and Xia Zishang finally wakes up from her sleep until the next day.

When Xia Zishang got up, Wang Miaoren was already waiting for her outside the door.

After Xia Zishang washed up and went out, Wang Miaoren looked at Xia Zishang enthusiastically and asked, "Shang'er, where do you want to go? I'll take you there."

"Then take me to your room first. Since that ghost always goes to your room, if there is no accident, the breath left by that ghost will remain in your room. Then we can Follow the breath and find the ghost." Xia Zishang said calmly, looking at Hongmiaoren.

Wang Miaoren nodded with a face of enlightenment, and then took Xia Zishang to the room where she lived.

The tree house where Hongmiaoren lives is located on a huge crooked neck tree. The curved trunk of the tree looks like an embrace, and the round tree house where Hongmiaoren lives is here. At this time, Hongmiaoren’s toes With a little trunk, the burly body leaped a few times on the tree, and then rushed to the tree house at an extremely fast speed.

"Shang'er, this is my room, come, come in." Wang Miaoren said, and opened the door.

With a creak, the door was slowly opened, and Xia Zishang walked in, looking at the girly decorations in the room, she couldn't help but take a second look.

Hongmiaoren has this girlish heart, everything in this room looks pink and tender, there is also a glazed vase on the table with delicate and beautiful flowers in it, and Hongmiaoren himself is Standing in this room full of girls' hearts, she rubbed her hands in embarrassment, "Hey, isn't this room not suitable for me?"

"Of course not." Xia Zishang looked at Hongmiaoren, with a faint smile on the corner of her lips, and said with a smile, "I think this room suits you very well, did you arrange it yourself?"

Hongmiao was tall and tall, and even some men in the tribe did not have her burly figure, so she inevitably felt inferior in her heart because of her figure.

However, after hearing Xia Zishang's words at this time, Hongmiaoren felt that his heart seemed to be filled.

In fact, she has always liked cute things, but because other people have always told her that such cute things do not match her, so she dare not say it on weekdays, for fear that others will point at her and mock her for being a man. But I don't know it, I'm pretending to be weak like other beautiful and cute little women.

So at this moment, Xia Zishang's approval was obtained, and Miaoren was very happy, and quickly pulled her to sit down, "Yes. Chang'er, sit down quickly! I also prepared a lot of gifts for you, sit down quickly See if you like it!"

As she said that, Hongmiao took out a lot of rare gadgets that she made by herself. Those inconspicuous little things are very interesting. There are all kinds of small animals made of silk thread, each of which is lifelike.

"Because I was in a hurry, the amulet I made for you was not very good. See if there are any gadgets you like here, and take them away if you like them." Wang Miaoren said generously.

"Then take this little rabbit." Thinking that Qingcheng likes little rabbits, Xia Zishang chose a particularly cute little rabbit from those lifelike little animals.

"Speaking of which, there is not only Qingcheng, but you also have two sons, right? What are their names?" Hong Miaoren asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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