God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2175 I just want to find myself a wife

Chapter 2175 I just want to find myself a wife

"Good girl, why don't you come to Daddy's place? Daddy misses you all the time, so don't you miss Daddy?" Langxuan looked at his daughter a little uneasy, as if he was wronged like a child who has done something wrong, "Are you angry because daddy goes to your bed to talk to you every day? Actually, daddy didn't do it on purpose. Dad just misses you so much. You were young when daddy died, but you grew up so much in a blink of an eye. You are so petite, Dad can't help but want to see you more..."

The dead man glanced at Langxuan speechlessly, and asked from the bottom of his heart, "Are you blind?"

Petite?Is this word really appropriate to describe a muscular man?

"You know what a fart. My daughter is the cutest." Langxuan looked at the dead head with disgust, and hummed.

After hearing this, Hong Miaoren was flattered and stood there, a little at a loss.

"Girl, daddy is wrong, don't ignore daddy!" Hongxuan is sad, his caring little padded jacket, what will he do if he ignores him!

Seeing that Langxuan lowered his head as if he was about to cry while talking, Langmiao quickly explained, "I am not angry with Daddy, but I am worried that Daddy is angry with me. After all, I didn't recognize Daddy just now. I thought you were a pervert, Daddy, and let someone beat you up."

"Hey, how could it be my precious girl's fault. Isn't there that saying, those who don't know are innocent, and daddy knows you didn't do it on purpose, so of course he won't be angry!" Langxuan said with a smile.

"Thank you, Daddy. Daddy, I miss you so much..." Hong Miaoren said so, his eyes turned red.

"Old patriarch, so are we." The other clansmen present also spoke with sobs.

Back then when the temple was attacked, Langxuan was willing to die in order to protect his clansmen.

If it weren't for him, everyone present would not have survived until now.

"Look, you guys are really a bunch of fools. It's a good thing that I'm back! Why are you all so sad? Make me happy!" Hongxuan said, and his eyes turned red.

All the members of the Canglang tribe had a gratified smile on their faces, chatting with Langya in full swing.

Dead Head: "..."

Recalling the way Langxuan gritted his teeth at it just now, wanting to eat him, the dead man's mind kept echoing the sentence that those who do not know are not guilty.

Too lazy to argue with Xuanxuan, the dead head walked to Xia Zishang's side silently, "Xia Laotie, what's the situation? Is it for nothing to co-operate with my beauty trick?"

"Naturally, the preparation was not in vain. I would like to know, what is the reason for this old man to attack us in the middle of the night?" Xia Zishang's voice was not loud, but it instantly made the excited Canglang people, fell into a deep silence.

What Xia Zishang said is right, although I don't know the reason, but didn't Hongxuan go to attack their distinguished guests in the middle of the night last night?
"Father, what's going on? Do you know that the empress is the benefactor of our Canglang tribe? The reason why we were able to regain face from the temple this time is all thanks to the opportunity given to us by the empress and His Majesty." , if not, just relying on our strength, we are definitely not opponents of the temple!"

"Yeah, big brother is right. Daddy, what reason do you have?" Hongmiaoren asked in the same puzzled way.

Who knows, after hearing their questions, Langxuan blushed with embarrassment, and said shyly, "I don't have any purpose, I just want to find a wife for myself."

(End of this chapter)

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