God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2179 Youyue Scepter

Chapter 2179 Youyue Scepter
Shadow and the attendant glanced at each other, both of whom saw deep puzzlement in each other's eyes.

Spicy crayfish?
What it is?
I have never heard of this kind of food, and the shadow and the guards are puzzled.

However, since this was Lian Zhong's request, they had no choice but to comply, and hurriedly retreated to ask the people in the kitchen if they would cook this 'spicy crayfish'.

Time flies, and it is late at night on the second day.

In the open space in the oasis, Xia Zishang is leading Xuanyuan Yelan, Qingcheng, the dead head, and the father and son of Langxuan, ready to start a blind date for Langxuan!

Glancing at Qingcheng who was holding her palm tightly beside her, Xia Zishang's eyes glowed softly, and asked softly, "Qingcheng, are you afraid?"

Looking up with a smile, Qingcheng's voice was sweet and sticky, "I have my father and mother protecting me, so I am not afraid."

Qingcheng is not only not afraid, but even has some expectations.

She knew that the reason why they gathered here tonight was to go on a blind date with that patriarch's grandfather!
She has never seen a soul blind date before, so she is naturally looking forward to it.

Of course, Hongxuan was the most anticipated one among the people present. It looked a little nervous at the moment, but the expression on its face was full of excitement.

Qingcheng has been observing this old ghost who is about to go on a blind date curiously. After watching for a while, she discovered something, "Grandpa, your soul is so strong, but why is the breath around you so weak?"

No wonder Qingcheng would ask this question, thinking that the stronger a person's soul is after death, the more obvious the yin energy surrounding the soul will be, so as to show the strength of the soul.

But the situation of Langxuan seems to be different from the normal soul. Although it is very powerful, there is no particularly uncomfortable Yin energy around it.

Seeing such a soft and cute little girl raised her head and looked at herself curiously, a three-point smile appeared on the brows of Xuanxuan, and she explained patiently, "That's because there is a ghost left on Grandpa's body." The power of the moon scepter."

Seeing that Qingcheng looked at him more curiously, Langxuan carefully explained to Qingcheng what the Youyue Scepter is.

The Youyue scepter was snatched by the temple before. It originally belonged to the treasure of the Canglang clan. Because the scepter has always been used by the patriarch, the scepter has been with the scepter for more than [-] years. A lot of Youyue scepter's breath, the spiritual power on the scepter penetrated into the soul of Xuanxuan, making its soul more solid than ordinary people, and it is not so dirty, but the spiritual power is more vigorous Some.

Qingcheng suddenly realized when he heard the words, and nodded vigorously, "Oh, oh, so that's the case, Grandpa, you are so amazing!"

"Oh, baby, you are so good at talking, you are so cute!" Hongxuan looked at the cute and soft Qingcheng, and felt that this little girl became more and more likable the more she looked at her!

Afterwards, Langxuan turned his head, looked at his two children, narrowed his eyes and asked sharply, "You can learn from other people's queens, and see that their children can use soy sauce! How about you two? When exactly? Looking for a partner, let me also see my grandchildren?"

The brother and sister twitched the corners of their mouths at the same time, and then saw three soft rays of light floating towards their direction.

"Look, Dad, it's a summoned soul!" Lang Ya pointed at the three balls of light and said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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