God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2192 Yan'er doesn't want to leave tonight

Chapter 2192 Yan'er doesn't want to leave tonight
Afterwards, Langmiaoren told Xia Zishang all about the whole incident.

Xia Zishang listened carefully, and waited until Hong Miaoren finished speaking, she narrowed her phoenix eyes, "It seems that Liu Leyan and her brother are hiding something from us."

"You just heard me narrate a general idea, and you didn't see it with your own eyes, so you might not feel it. Didn't I spy on the two siblings talking last night? What should they say? I always feel that they They get along differently from ordinary people, they don't look like siblings..." Hong Miaoren couldn't help but sighed when he said this, raised his hand and scratched his head, "I don't know what I'm talking about, anyway, it's probably this mean."

"You want to say that the two of them are not like siblings, but more like a couple?" Looking at Hong Miaoren's embarrassed look, Xia Zishang asked directly.

She smiled embarrassingly, and Wang Miaoren nodded vigorously, "Yes, yes, Chang'er, you are really smart, but... In this way, wouldn't my father be cuckolded?"

"If it's what we guessed, then it should be the old patriarch who cuckolded Liu Shuo." Xia Zishang comforted Hong Miaoren and said, "Let's not judge this matter arbitrarily, we still need further investigation to reach a conclusion. You and I Say, we can do this tonight..."

Seeing Xia Zishang approaching him, Wang Miaoren listened carefully to what she said.

"Okay, then do as you said." Hong Miaoren trusted Xia Zishang and immediately agreed to her proposal.

After making the decision, Xia Zishang continued to help Hong Miaoren diagnose her body, and then prescribe the right medicine to improve her body.

Time flies, and that night, the moon and stars are thin.

The hour has passed, but there are still laughter and laughter in the room of Langxuan.

In the room, Langxuan and Liu Leyan were sitting at the table.

"Yan'er, you really understand me so well, even if I don't say anything, you still understand my thoughts." Langxuan looked at Liu Leyan tenderly, and said from the bottom of her heart.

"Master Hongxuan, if you continue to praise me like that, I don't know what to do." Lowering her head shyly, Liu Leyan said in a delicate tone.

However, Liu Leyan's shy appearance will only make people want to protect her even more.

Langxuan stared at Liu Leyan's appearance, and didn't know what he was thinking. After clearing his throat, he said, "Yan'er, it's getting late, you should go back early and rest."

"Master Hongxuan." Who knows, Liu Leyan didn't get up and leave immediately after hearing this, but lowered her head in embarrassment, as if mustering courage, and said boldly, "Master Hongxuan, Yan'er doesn't want to leave tonight, I want to be with you, stay with you until dawn..."

At the end of Liu Leyan's speech, she was too shy to look at Langxuan from the corner of her eye, and the meaning it wanted to express couldn't be more obvious.

Langxuan likes Liu Leyan so much, after hearing what it said, he didn't agree with it.

Langxuan stared at Liu Leyan, wondering why he could always see another figure from Liu Leyan.

The figure of that person has been lingering in front of its eyes all the time, as if it is tightly wrapped around it, so that Langxuan couldn't help but take a deep breath, he didn't want to accept Liu Leyan completely in such a state of mind .

"Yan'er, we are all ghosts, we can't see the morning light. Cough cough, I think I'd better send you back first." Langxuan politely declined.

(End of this chapter)

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