God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2196 Give me back my man!

Chapter 2196 Give me back my man!
When speaking, Liu Shuo rushed to Xia Zishang like a wild dog.

Seeing the other party's figure outline an afterimage in the air, Xia Zishang raised her eyebrows, and was about to shoot Liu Shuo down from midair with a burst of spiritual power, but who knew that a golden and fiery flame would hit Liu Shuo first. Shattered the sky and came straight to their direction.

Liu Shuo's body was only halfway through, and the corner of his vision happened to sweep towards the rushing flames.

Even the breath couldn't help trembling, Liu Shuo was subconsciously afraid, and then he was hit by the rushing flames!
The blazing hellfire enveloped Liu Shuo's body, burning his soul struggling and writhing in it, and then burned into nothingness under the eyes of everyone.

Watching this scene unfolding in front of her eyes, Liu Leyan was shocked at first, and then shouted mournfully, "No! Don't!"

It's a pity that no matter how much Liu Leyan yelled, it was in vain. As the golden hell fire dissipated, Liu Shuo's body was burned into nothingness, not even a little dregs remained.

Tears overflowed from the bottom of Liu Leyan's eyes, and she struggled like a madman. The ear-piercing scream spread in the air like a magic sound, and it spread a long distance at once, waking up all the clansmen living nearby.

After the prison fire shattered the soul, it turned into a stream of light and flew back into Xuanyuan Yelan's hands.

"What happened?" Just after finishing speaking, Xuanyuan Yelan saw that Liu Leyan seemed to be a lunatic who had lost her mind, and kept looking at him and growling.

"You give me back Ashuo, you give me back my man!" Liu Leyan's eyes shed two tears of blood, letting the spirit whip draw bloodstains on its body, and continued to go crazy and wanted to rush to kill Xuanyuan Yelan.

Xia Zishang narrowed her eyes in displeasure, swept the tail of the whip, and slapped Liu Leyan's face.

With a crisp sound, Liu Leyan fell to the ground, leaving a bloodstain on her face, and at the same time, her figure became more unreal.

When Langxuan and Langya arrived with their clansmen, they happened to see this scene.

Everyone was stunned by this scene, and no one could figure out what was going on now?
After being whipped by Xia Zishang, Liu Leyan regained her senses, panic appeared in its eyes, and it quickly thought of a way to get out of it.

The expression of jealousy just now disappeared immediately, and Liu Leyan's brows collapsed, and she cried out in misery, and looked at Langxuan and cried, "Wuuuuu, Master Hongxuan, please save me!" me!"

After hearing Liu Leyan's words, Xia Zishang couldn't help but glance at it.

"Damn woman, why are you crazy?" Hongmiaoren's personality has always been aggressive, she thought of Liu Leyan actually cuckolding her father, she wished she could kill this damned woman immediately.

The cold light in Liu Leyan's eyes turned into pitiful tears in an instant, and she choked up and continued to cry towards Hongxuan, "Master Hongxuan, I just came to talk to my brother, who knows that these people suddenly They rushed over, and then joined forces and severely reprimanded me. I, I don’t even know what I did wrong, I’m really wronged... Woohoo, even my younger brother was beaten by them His soul flew away."

"You are talking nonsense!" Hong Miao was so angry that she looked at Liu Leyan who was lying on the ground and kept crying, she couldn't understand how there could be such a hypocritical woman in this world.

However, after listening to Liu Leyan's words, Hongxuan actually had a gloomy face, and walked towards Hongmiaoren with big strides.

(End of this chapter)

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